
Volume 41 Number 2 2022



Hickory nut storage and processing at the Victor Mills site (9CB138) and implications for Late Archaic land use in the middle Savannah River valley

Kenneth E. Sassaman & Emily R. Bartz

Commemoration of a Mississippian ceremonial structure and ritual practitioner at Walling II, Alabama

John H. Blitz & Dominique Bodoh

"Then Potano": Archaeological investigations at the Richardson and White Ranch sites in northern-central Florida

Willet A. Boyer III, Dennis Blanton, Gary Ellis, Rochelle Marrinan, Jeffery M. Mitchem, Marvin T. Smith & John E. Worth

Native crops on the threshold of European contact: ritual seed deposits at Kuykendall Brake, Arkansas

Gayle J. Fritz & John H. House

Book Reviews- edited by Benjamin A. Steere

D. Shane Miller, From Colonization to Domestication: Population, Environment, and the Origins of Agriculture in Eastern North America, reviewed by Brett Parbus

Terry A. Barnhart, American Antiquities: Revisiting the Origins of American Archaeology, reviewed by Carolyn D. Dillian