
Volume 40 Number 2 2021



Artifacts and activities associated with mound-area public contexts at the Town Creek site, North Carolina

Edmond A. Boudreaux III & Daryl W. Armour

Benton Phase biface production for exchange: analysis of a lithic reduction area at site 40HO13

Andrew P. Bradbury

Cahokia's influence in the Yazoo Basin: a ceramic analysis of Early Mississippian features at the Carson site

Caitlyn Burkes Antoniuk

Woodland-period fisheries on the north-central coast of the Gulf of Mexico

Elizabeth J. Reitz, Carla S. Hadden, Gregory A. Waselkov, & C. Fred T. Andrus

Book Reviews

Rebecca Allen and Ben Ford (eds.), New Life for Archaeological Collections, reviewed by Brittaney London

S. Terry Childs and Mark S. Warner (eds.), Using and Curating Archaeological Collections, reviewed by Paola A. Schiappacasse