
Volume 26 Number 1 Summer 2007



Reflections on Paddle Stamped Pottery: Symmetry Analysis of Swift Creek Paddle Designs
Thomas J. Pluckhahn

Cahokia’s Mound 31: A Short-Term Construction at a Long-Term Site
Lynne P. Sullivan and TImothy R. Pauketat

A Model of Distribution and Preservation of Archaeological Sites Along Piedmont Streams: The Deep River, North Carolina
Keith C. Seramur, Ellen A. Cowan, Loretta Lautzenheiser, and Jane M. Eastman

Frequency Seriation, Correspondence Analysis, and Woodland Period Ceramic Assemblage Variation in the Deep South
Karen Y. Smith and Fraser D. Neiman

Analysis of a Paleoindian Stone Tool Assemblage from the Pasquotank Site (31Pkl) in Northeastern North Carolina
I. Randolph Daniel Jr., William H. Moore, and James Pritchard

Articulating Activity Areas and Formation Processes at the Sapelo Island Shell Ring Complex
Victor D. Thompson

1973 Excavations at the Upper Nodena Site
Robert C. Mainfort Jr., J. Matthew Compton, and Kathleen H. Cande

The Ocmulgee/Blackshear People and the Middleman Hypothesis: An Isotopic Evaluation
Bryan D. Tucker

Proto-Iroquoian Divergence in the Late Archaic-Early Woodland Period Transition of the Appalachian
Highlands Thomas R. Whyte


Antiquarians’ Perspectives on Pinson Mounds Revisited: A Response to McNutt
Mary L. Kwas and Robert C. Mainfort Jr.

A Reply to Kwas’s and Mainfort’s Response to the Pinson Observatory
Charles H. McNutt


Johnson (ed.), Remote Sensing in Archaeology: An Explicitly North American Perspective, reviewed by Jeffrey S. Alvey

de Cunzo and Jameson, Jr. (eds.), Unlocking the Past: Celebrating Historical Archaeology in North America, reviewed by Thomas E. Beaman, Jr.

Bowne, The Westo Indians: Slave Traders of the Early Colonial South, reviewed by Oliver Bielmann

Sassaman, People of the Shoals: Stallings Culture of the Savannah River Valley, reviewed by Thomas B. Jones

Pauketat, Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians, reviewed by Adam King

King, Cultural Resource Laws and Practice: An Introductory Guide, 2nd Edition, reviewed by Kurt Perkins

Huckell and Kilby (compilers), Readings in Late Pleistocene North American and Early Paleoindians: Selections from American Antiquity, reviewed by Michael C. Poe

Dixon, Boomtown Saloons: Archaeology and History in Virginia City, reviewed by Frederick H. Smith

Mason, The Archaeology of Ocmulgee Old Fields, Macon Georgia, reviewed by R. Jeannine Windham