Volume 9 Number 1 Summer 1990



Archaeology Confronts History at the Natchez Temple
James A. Brown

The Role of the Southeast in American Archaeology
Robert C. Dunnell

From History to Hermeneutics: The Place of Theory in the Later Prehistory of the Southeast
Christopher S. Peebles

Chronology of Cultivation in Peninsular Florida: Prehistoric or Historic?
Barbara A. Purdy

Trend and Tradition in Southeastern Archaeology
Patty Jo Watson

A Curious Sort of Yankee: Personal and Professional Notes on Jeffries Wyman (1814-1874)
Robert E. Murowchick


The Place of Spiro in Southeastern Prehistory: Is it Caddoan or Mississippian?
Frank Schambach

Review Article: The Southeastern Ceremonial Complex
Guy Prentice


Gilliland: Key Marco's Buried Treasure: Archaeology and Adventure in the Nineteenth Century
Paul D. Welch

Orser: The Material Basis of the Postbellum Tenant Plantation: Historical Archaeology in the South Carolina Piedmont
Sue Mullins Moore

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 9 Number 2 Winter 1990



An Archaeological Interpretation of Elite Townhouse Sites in Charleston, South Carolina, 1770-1850
Martha A. Zierden and Jeanne A. Calhoun

Test Excavations at Ingomar Mounds, Mississippi
Janet Rafferty

The Tchula Connection: Early Woodland Culture and Burial Mounds in North Mississippi
Janet Ford

Ossuary Interments and Algonquian Expansion on the North Carolina Coast
Thomas C. Loftfield

The Pardo Expedition: What Was the Direction at Departure?
Lewis Larson


The Juan Pardo Expeditions: North from Santa Elena
Chester B. DePratter Charles Hudson and Marvin T. Smith


Brain: Tunica Archaeology
Marvin D. Jeter

Milanich and Milbrath (eds.): First Encounters: Spanish Explorations in the Caribbean and the United States, 1492-1570
Richard A. Diehl

Anderson and Joseph (eds.): Prehistory and History Along the Upper Savannah River: Technical Synthesis of Cultural Resource Investigations, Richard B. Russell Multiple Resource Area
David Moore

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 10 Number 1 Summer 1991



The Sixteenth-Century Expansion of Settlement in the Upper Oconee Watershed, Georgia
Stephen A. Kowalewski and James W. Hatch

The Lubbub Creek Microlith Industry
H. Blaine Ensor

The Evolution of Siouan Communities in Piedmont North Carolina
R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr. and H. Trawick Ward


Radiocarbon Dates for the Bynum, Pharr, and Miller Sites, Northeast Mississippi
Richard Walling Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. and James R. Atkinson


Regional Prehistory and the Spiro Site
J. Daniel Rogers


Daniel and Wisenbaker: Harney Flats: A Florida Paleo-lndian Site
Dan F. Morse

Mainfort (ed.): Middle Woodland Settlement and Ceremonialism in the Mid-South and Lower Mississippi Valley: Proceedings of the 1984 Mid-South Archaeological Conference
Patricia S. Essenpreis

Wood, Waselkov, and Hatley (eds.): Powhatan's Mantle: Indians in the Colonial Southeast
Ian W. Brown

Brain: Winterville: Late Prehistoric Culture Contact in the Lower Mississippi Valley
John E. Kelly

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 10 Number 2 Winter 1991



Mississippian Lace: A Complex Textile Impressed on Pottery from the Stone Site, Tennessee
Penelope B. Drooker

An Analysis of Late Eighteenth Century Ceramics from Arkansas Post at Ecores Rouges
John A. Walthall

Time and Community Patterns at Holding, A Middle Woodland Site in the American Bottom
Thomas O. Maher

The Adams Site (15Ch90) and the Little River, Christian County, Kentucky, Clovis Workshop Complex
Richard Michael Gramly Carl Yahnig


Banks: From Mountain Peaks to Alligator Stomachs: A Review of Lithic Resources in the Trans-Mississippi South, the Southern Plains, and Adjacent Southwest
Robert H. Lafferty III

Smith (ed.): The Mississippian Emergence Michael J. O'Brien

Seeliger: Tonpfeisen aus Uslar
Kim Dammers

Wittkofski and Reinhart (eds.): Paleoindian Research in Virginia: A Synthesis
David G. Anderson

Goodyear, Michie, and Charles: The Earliest South Carolinians: The Paleoindian Occupation of South Carolina
I. Randolph Daniel, Jr.

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 11 Number 1 Summer 1992



Excavations at 1Tu50, an Early Mississippian Center Near Moundville
Vincas P. Steponaitis

Settlement Context and Structure at County Line, Missouri
Patrice A. Teltser

Mortuary Vessels and Comparative Ceramic Analysis: An Example from the Chucalissa Site
Mitchell R. Childress

The Fort Walton Mississippian Variant on the Northwest Florida Gulf Coast
Gregory A. Mikell


Mea Culpa
William H. Sears


Savage: Late Archaic Landscapes
Janet Rafferty

Larsen: The Archaeology of Mission Santa Catalina de Guale: 2. Biocultural Interpretations of a Population in Transition
S. Homes Hogue

Powell, Bridges, and Mires (eds.): What Mean These Bones? Studies in Southeastern Bioarchaeology
Robert L. Blakely

Weisman: Like Beads on a String: A Culture History of the Seminole Indians in North Peninsular Florida
Jeffrey M. Mitchem

Korp: The Sacred Geography of the American Mound Builders
Robert L. Thunen

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 11 Number 2 Winter 1992



Vertebrate Fauna from Seventeenth-Century St. Augustine
Elizabeth J. Reitz

A Reinterpretation of Late Archaic Adaptations in Central-East Florida: Groves' Orange Midden (8-Vo-2601)
Michael Russo Barbara A. Purdy Lee A. Newsom and Ray M. McGee

Excavations at the Jordan Site (16MO1), Morehouse Parish, Louisiana
Tristram R. Kidder

Ambushes, Raids, and Palisades: Mississippian Warfare in the Interior Southeast
Karl T. Steinen


The South Carolina Heritage Trust Ranking System for Archaeological Site Acquisition
Steven D. Smith and Christopher Judge


Emerson and Lewis (eds.): Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest
James B. Griffin

Winter: Madoc
Winter: Madoc's Hundred
Kit W. Wesler

Jones, Hann, and Scarry: San Pedro y San Pablo de Patale: A Seventeenth- Century Spanish Mission in Leon County, Florida
Roger T. Grange, Jr.

Smith and McManamon (eds.): Archaeology and Education: The Classroom and Beyond
Katherine Jones Garmil

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 12 Number 1 Summer 1993



Recent Investigations into Prehistoric Agriculture in the Lower Mississippi Valley
Gayle J. Fritz and Tristram R. Kidder

Adoption of Old World Crops and Processes of Cultural Change in the Historic Southeast
Kristen J. Gremillion

Dating the Kent Phase
John H. House

Chronological Variability in Ceramic Paste: A Comparison of Deptford and Savannah Period Pottery in the St. Marys River Region of Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia
Ann S. Cordell

Poverty Point Period Crystal Drill Bits, Microliths, and Social Organization in the Yazoo Basin, Mississippi
Jay K. Johnson


Wickman: Osceola's Legacy
Brent R. Weisman

McNutt (ed.): The Archaic Period in the Mid-South: Proceedings of the 1989 Mid-South Archaeological Conference
Jay K. Johnson

Ferguson: Uncommon Ground: Archaeology and Early African America, 1650-1800
John W. Clauser, Jr.

Seeman (ed.): Cultural Variability in Context: Woodland Settlements of the Mid-Ohio Valley
Thomas O. Maher

Walthall (ed.): French Colonial Archaeology: The Illinois Country and the Western Great Lakes
Ian W. Brown

Dickson: The Albertson Site: A Deeply and Clearly Stratified Ozark Bluff Shelter
Neal L. Trubowitz

Klatka: An Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of Craig County, Virginia
C. Clifford Boyd, Jr.

Hudson: The Juan Pardo Expeditions: Exploration of the Carolinas and Tennessee, 1566-1568
J. Alan May

Drooker: Mississippian Village Textiles at Wickliffe
Joan Miller

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 12 Number 2 Winter 1993



Like a Rolling Stone: The Chunkey Game and Political Organization in Eastern North America
Warren R. DeBoer

Rose Island Revisited: The Detection of Early Archaic Site Structure Using Grid-Count Data
Larry R. Kimball

Hunter-Gatherer Site Structure at Upland Sites in the South Atlantic Coastal Plain
Kenneth E. Sassaman

Black and White Women at Irene Mound
Cheryl Claassen


Reconstructing the Black Belt Environment Using Leaf Impressions in Daub
Evan Peacock

Another Craig Style Bird-Man Figure from Spiro
Kelvin W. Sampson and M. Nike Mendenhall


Welch: Moundville's Economy
John F. Scarry

Meltzer and Dunnell (eds.): The Archaeology of William Henry Holmes
Kenneth E. Sassaman

Smith: Rivers of Change: Essays on Early Agriculture in Eastern North America
Kristen J. Gremillion

DePratter: Late Prehistoric and Early Historic Chiefdoms in the Southeastern United States
Bennie C. Keel

Garrow and Lewis (compilers): The Profile Papers
Daniel L. Simpkins

Council, Honercamp, and Will: Industry and Technology in Antebellum Tennessee: The Archaeology of Bluff Furance
James G. Gibb

Brose: Yesterday's River: The Archaeology of 10,000 Years Along the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway
Jefferson Chapman

ISSN 0734-578X