Volume 5 Number 1 Summer 1986



Prehistoric Use of Bay/Basin Features on the Delmarva Peninsula
Jay F. Custer and David C. Bachman

The Archaeological Recognition of the Squad System on Postbellum Cotton Plantations
Charles E. Orser, Jr.

Seasonality and Function of Small Sites on Florida's Central-East Coast
Brenda Sigler-Eisenberg and Michael Russo

The Mississippian Occupation of the Savannah River Valley
David G. Anderson, David J. Hally, and James L. Rudolph

Standards and Guidelines for Quality Control in Archaeological Resource Management in the Southeastern United States
Judith A. Bense, Hester A. Davis, Lorraine Heartfield and Kathleen Deagan

The Development of Cultural Complexity in Southwest Florida: Elements of a Critique
William H. Marquardt


Dickens and Worthy: Archaeological Investigations at Pickett's Mill Historic Site, Parading County, Georgia
Nan A. Rothschild

Williams and Brain: Excavations at the Lake George Site, Yazoo County, Mississippi
James B. Griffin

Butler and May (eds.): Prehistoric Chert Exploitation: Studies from the Midcontinent
Albert C. Goodyear

Badger and Clayton (eds.): Alabama and the Borderlands: From Prehistory to Statehood
John A. Walthall

Adams (ed.): Aboriginal Subsistence and Settlement Archaeology of the Kings Bay Locality.
Volume 1: The Kings Bay and Devils Walkingstick Sites.
Volume 2: Zooarchaeology
Michael Trinkley

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 5 Number 2 Winter 1986



Mississippian Polities in the Fort Walton Area: A Model Generated from the Renfrew-Level XTENT Algorithm
John F. Scarry and Claudine Payne

The Use and Processing of Plants by Indians of Spanish Florida
John H. Hann

Origins of Plant Domestication in the Eastern United States: Promoting the Individual in Archaeological Theory
Guy Prentice

Temporal Patterns in Marine Shellfish-Species Use Along the Atlantic Coast in the Southeastern United States
Cheryl Claassen

A Guide for Identifying Otoliths from Archaeological Sites
Erika H. Simons


Brooks and Canouts (eds.): Subsistence Change in the Late Prehistoric Period in the Interior Lower Coastal Plain of South Carolina
David J. Hally

Thomas: Report on the Mound Explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology
Marvin D. Jeter

Milner: The East St. Louis Stone Quarry Cemetery (11-S-468)
Jerome C. Rose

McElrath and Fortier: The Missouri Pacific #2 Site
H. Edwin Jackson

Schroedl, Davis, and Boyd: Archaeological Contexts and Assemblages at Martin Farm
Dan F. Morse

Rose (ed.): Gone to a Better Land
Lynn Clark

Stewart-Abernathy: The Moser Farmstead, Independent but Not Isolated: The Archeology of a Late Nineteenth Century Ozark Farmstead
Cynthia R. Price

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 6 Number 1 Summer 1987



A Functional Consideration of a Mississippian Domestic Vessel Assemblage
Timothy R. Pauketat

The Mouse Creek Phase Household
Lynne P. Sullivan

The Organization of Lithic Reduction at the North Florida Weeden Island Period McKeithen Site
G. Michael Johnson

Circles and Ovals: Two Types of Adena Space
R. Berle Clay


A Middle Woodland Embankment and Mound Complex in Western Kentucky
Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. and Kenneth C. Carstens


Roy Selman Dickens, Jr. (1938-1986)
Bennie C. Keel


Fitzhugh (ed.): Cultures in Contact: The European Impact on Native Cultural Institutions in Eastern North America, A.D. 1000-1800
Ian W. Brown

Eubanks: Intensive Archaeological Testing at the John Houston Mclntosh Sugarhouse, Camden County, Georgia
William B. Lees

Levy (ed.): Skeletal Analysis in Southeastern Archaeology
Clark Spencer Larsen

Neel and Sampson: Prehistoric Rock Art of the Cross Timbers Management Unit, East Central Oklahoma: An Introductory Study
Gayle J. Fritz

Johnson, Leader, and Wilson (eds.): Indians, Colonists, and Slaves: Essays in Memory of Charles H. Fairbanks
Charles E. Orser, Jr.

Jenkins and Krause: The Tombigbee Watershed in Southeastern Prehistory
Paul D. Welch

Whyte, Boyd, and Riggs (eds.): Exploring Tennessee Prehistory: A Dedication to Alfred K. Guthe
Charles H. McNutt

Lewis: Mississippian Towns of the Western Kentucky Border: The Adams, Wickliffe, and Sassafras Ridge Sites
Brian M. Butler

Hemmings and House (eds.): The Alexander Site, Conway County, Arkansas
Tristram R. Kidder

Sabo (ed.): Contributions to Ozark Prehistory
Don G. Wyckoff

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 6 Number 2 Winter 1987



A Village Blacksmith in the Antebellum South: Archaeological Investigations at the Griswold Shop, Barton, Mississippi (1851-1869)
W. Stephen McBride

Research in the Lower Tennessee-Cumberland-Ohio Region

Research into the Prehistory of the Lower Tennessee-Cumberland-Ohio Region
Jack D. Nance

Geomorphic History of the Lower Cumberland and Tennessee Valleys and Implications for Regional Archaeology
Elizabeth K. Leach and Michael J. Jackson

Reconstruction of Precolonial Vegetation in Livingston County, Kentucky and Prehistoric Cultural Implications
Karla D. Kusmer, Elizabeth K. Leach and Michael J. Jackson

Aboriginal and Modern Mussel Assemblages of the Lower Cumberland River
Joanna L. Casey

The Paleoethnobotanical Record of the Lower Tennessee-Cumberland Region
Dee Anne Wymer

The Archaic Sequence in the Lower Tennessee-Cumberland-Ohio Region
Jack D. Nance

Patterns of Chert Use During the Middle and Late Archaic in Western Kentucky
Gerald T. Conaty


Kwas (ed.): Archaeological Parks: Integrating Preservation, Interpretation, and Recreation
Gary Shapiro

Schroedl (ed.): Overhill Cherokee Archaeology at Chota-Tanasee
Gregory A. Waselkov

Custer (ed.): Late Woodland Cultures of the Middle Atlantic Region
Jeffrey Hantman

Brown: Natchez Indian Archaeology: Culture Change and Stability in the Lower Mississippi Valley
Jay K. Johnson

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 7 Number 1 Summer 1988



Subterranean Storage and the Organization of Surplus: The View from Eastern North America
Warren R. DeBoer

Early Mississippian in the Black Warrior Valley: The Pace of Transition
Tim S. Mistovich


New Data on Early Bells from Florida
Jeffrey M. Mitchem and Bonnie G. McEwan

Alexander Mound Ceremonialism?
Janet Ford

Calibration of the Ceramic Period Chronology for Antigua, West Indies
Dave D. Davis


A Comment on Temporal Patterns in Marine Shellfish Use in Florida and Georgia
Michael Russo


Adams (ed.): Historical Archaeology of Plantations at Kings Bay, Camden County, Georgia
Lawrence E. Babits

DePratter (ed.): The Late Prehistoric Southeast: A Source Book
Jon Muller

Trinkley (ed.): Indian and Freedmen Occupation at the Fish Haul Site (38BU805), Beaufort County, South Carolina
James B. Stoltman

Neitzel: The Grand Village of the Natchez Revisited: Excavation of the Fatherland Site, Adams County, Mississippi, 1972
Robert C. Wilson

Dye and Brister (eds.): The Protohistoric Period in the Mid-South, 1500-1700: Proceedings of the 1983 Mid-South Archaeological Conference
Marvin T. Smith

Moore (assemb.): The Conference on Cherokee Prehistory
Mark Williams

Munson (ed.): Experiments and Observations on Aboriginal Wild Plant Food Utilization in Eastern North America
C. Margaret Scarry

Payne and Dahlin: A Phase I Archaeological Survey 31BF115 and A Phase II Archaeological Survey 31BF115, Texasgulf, Bath Creek, North Carolina
Michael Trinkley

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 7 Number 2 Winter 1988



Raw Material Procurement and the Reduction of Hunter-Gatherer Range in the Savannah River Valley
Kenneth E. Sassaman, Glen T. Hanson and Tommy Charles

Faunal Remains from Two Coastal Georgia Swift Creek Sites
Elizabeth J. Reitz and Irvy R. Quitmyer

Fires on the Bayou: Cultural Adaptations in the Mississippi Sound Region
R. Barry Lewis

Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis in Large Scale Survey Design in North Mississippi
Jay K. Johnson, Thomas L. Sever, Scott L. H. Madry and Harry T. Hoff


Experimental Replication of Early Woodland Vegetal Fiber Slippers
Joan Miller


Connaway: The Wilsford Site (22-Co-516), Coahoma County, Mississippi: A Late Mississippi Period Settlement in the Northern Yazoo Basin of Mississippi
John H. House

Keegan (ed.): Emergent Horticultural Economies of the Eastern Woodlands
Richard A. Yarnell

Thomas: The Discovery of Mission Santa Catalina de Gaule: 1. Search and Discovery
Rochelle A. Marrinan

Sturtevant (ed.): A Seminole Sourcebook and A Creek Sourcebook
Brent R. Weisman

Deagan: Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies of Florida and the Caribbean, 1500- 1800 (Vol. 1)
Russell K. Skowronek

Widmer: The Evolution of the Calusa: A Nonagricultural Chiefdom on the Southwest Florida Coast
John W. Griffin

Yerkes (ed.): Interpretations of Cultural Change in the Eastern Woodlands During the Late Woodland Period
C. Clifford Boyd, Jr.

Powell: Status and Health in Prehistory: A Case Study of the Moundville Chiefdom
William M. Bass

Lauro and Lehmann: The Slate Site: A Poverty Point Lapidary Industry in the Southern Yazoo Basin, Mississippi
Lehmann: The Jaketown Site: Surface Collections from a Poverty Point Regional Center in the Yazoo Basin, Mississippi
Jay K. Johnson

Yerkes: Prehistoric Life on the Mississippian Floodplain: Stone Tool Use, Settlement Organization, and Subsistence Practices at the Labras Lake Site, Illinois
Brian M. Butler

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 8 Number 1 Summer 1989



Linking Spiro's Artistic Styles: The Copper Connection
James A. Brown and J. Daniel Rogers

Engraved Shell Masks in North America
Marvin T. Smith and Julie Barnes Smith

Faunal Remains from Mixon's Hammock, Okefenokee Swamp
Nanny Carder

The Trist n de Luna Expedition, 1559-1561
Charles Hudson, Marvin T. Smith, Chester B. DePratter and Emilia Kelley

The Carroll Site: Analysis of 1936 Excavations at a Mississippian Farmstead in Georgia
Stephen A. Kowalewski and Mark Williams


Bits of a Southeastern Mosaic: Some Not-So-Random Thoughts on SEAC History
Stephen Williams

Perceptions of the Past: Public Archaeology and Moss-Bennett Then and Now
Charles R. McGimsey, III


Hann: Apalachee: The Land Between the Rivers
Marvin T. Smith

Crook: Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Coastal Zone
Hally and Rudolph: Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Piedmont
John F. Scarry

Albert: An Archaeological Survey of the James Fork Watershed, Le Flore County, Oklahoma
Robert H. Lafferty III

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 8 Number 2 Winter 1989



An Appraisal of the Role of Mill Creek Chert Hoes in Mississippian Exchange Systems
Charles R. Cobb

Mississippian Craft Specialization on the American Bottom
Richard W. Yerkes

A Comparison of Tennessee Archaic and Mississippian Maximum Femoral Lengths and Midshaft Diameters: Subsistence Change and Postcranial Variability
Donna C. Boyd and C. Clifford Boyd, Jr.

Seventeenth-Century Trade in the Colonial Southeast
Gregory A. Waselkov

Benton Points, Turkey Tails, and Cache Blades: Middle Archaic Exchange in the Midsouth
Jay K. Johnson and Samuel O. Brookes

A Guide to Identifying Shark Centra from Southeastern Archaeological Sites
Laura Kozuch and Cherry Fitzgerald


Toth: Early Marksville Phases in the Lower Mississippi Valley: A Study of Culture Contact Dynamics
David S. Brose

Smith: Archaeology of Aboriginal Culture Change in the Interior Southeast: Depopulation During the Early Historic Period
Gregory A. Waselkov

ISSN 0734-578X