Volume 17 Number 1 Summer 1998



The Essential Features of Adena Ritual and Their Implications
R. Berle Clay

Distributional Archaeology in the Southeast: An Early Archaic Example from the Aiken Plateau, South Carolina
Melanie A. Cabak, Kenneth A. Sassaman, and J. Christopher Gillam

Analysis of Early Mississippian-Period Pottery from Kersey, Pemiscot County, Missouri
James W. Cogswell and Michael J. O'Brien

Estimating the Season of Harvest of Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) with Shells from Chesapeake Bay
Joseph M. Herbert and Laurie Cameron Steponaitis


"Watson Brake Objects," an Unusual Archaic Artifact Type from Northeast Louisiana and Southwest Mississippi
Joe W. Saunders, Reca Jones, Kathryn Moorhead, and Brian Davis

Middle Woodland and Mississippian Occupations of the Savannah Site in Tennessee
Paul D. Welch

Iberian Olive jars at Brunswick Town and Other British Colonial Sites: Three Models for Consideration
Thomas E. Beaman, Jr. and John J. Mintz


Lyman, O'Brien, and Dunnell: The Rise and Fall of Culture History
William S. Dancey

Morse (ed.): Sloan: A Paleoindian Dalton Cemetery in Arkansas
John A. Walthall

McAvoy and McAvoy: Archaeological Investigations of Site 44SX202, Cactus Hill, Sussex County, Virginia
C. Clifford Boyd

Hudson: Knights of Spain, Warriors of the Sun: Hernando de Soto and the South's Ancient Chiefdoms
Brinnen S. Carter

Manucy: Sixteenth-Century St. Augustine: The People and Their Homes
Nan A. Rothschild

Baker and Kealhofer (eds.): Bioarchaeology of Native American Adaptation in the Spanish Borderlands
Patricia S. Bridges

Dancey and Pacheco (eds.): Ohio Hopewell Community Organization
William Green

Odell: Stone Tools and Mobility in the Illinois Valley: From Hunter-Gatherer Camps to Agricultural Villages
Carol Morrow

Wood, O'Brien, Murray and Rose: Human Adaptations in the Missouri Prairie-Timberlands: A Volume in the Central and Northern Plains Archeological Overview
Richard W. Jefferies

Book Notes

The Indian's New South: Cultural Change in the Colonial Southeast; Tennessee's Prehistoric Vertebrates; The Cahokia Atlas: A Historical Atlas of Cahokia Archaeology, Revised Edition; Archaeology of Northern Florida A.D. 200-900: The McKeithen Weeden Island Culture; Great Adventures in Archaeology; Archaeological Excavations at the John and Delia Roberts Craft Pavilions, Moundville Archaeological Park; Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Pedo-Archeology; Guide to the Identification of Scales of Inland Fishes of Northeastern North America

Volume 17 Number 2 Winter 1998



The Read Archaic Shell Midden in Kentucky
George R. Milner and Richard W. Jefferies

Starting a Conversation: The Public Style of Archaeology at the Hermitage
Larry McKee and Brian W. Thomas

Changing Roles of Wild and Cultivated Plant Resources Among Early Farmers of Eastern Kentucky
Kristen Gremillion


The McKellips Site: Contributions to Dalton Occupation, Technology, and Mobility from Eastern Oklahoma
Jesse A. M. Ballenger

The Paleoethnobotanical Record of the Poverty Point Culture: Implications of Past and Current Research
Heather D. Ward

Walker's Canal: An Aboriginal Canal in the Florida Panhandle
Ryan J. Wheeler


Muller: Mississippian Political Economy
Robert L. Carneiro

Emerson: Cahokia and the Archaeology of Power
John H. Blitz

Galloway (ed.): The Hernando de Soto Expedition: History, Historiography, and "Discovery"in the Southeast
Gregory A. Waselkov

Ewen and Hann: Hernando De Soto among the Apalachee: The Archaeology of the First Winter Encampment
Chester B. DePratter

Hall: An Archaeology of the Soul: North American Indian Belief and Ritual
Malcolm C. Webb

Gremillion (ed.): People, Plants, and Landscapes Studies in Paleoethnobotany
Neal H. Lopinot

Drooker: The View from Madisonville: Protohistoric Western Fort Ancient Interaction Patterns
Rochelle Lurie

O'Brien and Dunnell (eds): Changing Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Central Mississippi Valley
Thomas E. Emerson

O'Brien and Wood: The Prehistory of Missouri
Brian M. Butler

Fortier: The Marge Site: Late Archaic and Emergent Mississippian Occupations in the Palmer Creek Locality (11-MO-99)
Mary Beth D. Trubitt

Book Notes

Excavating Occaneechi Town: Archaeology of an Eighteenth-Century Indian Village in North Carolina; Archaeology of the Mammoth Cave Area

Volume 18 Number 1 Summer 1999



A Multidimensional Consideration of Complicated Stamped Pottery Production in Southern Louisiana
Rebecca Saunders and James B. Stoltman

Feasting and Status at the Toqua Site
Amber M. VanDerwarker


Prehistoric Mud Glyph Cave Art from Alabama
Alan Cressler, Jan F. Simek, Todd M. Ahlman, Joanne L. Bennett, and Jay D. Franklin

The Role of Late Woodland Interactions in the Emergence of Etowah
Keith J. Little

Archaeological Investigations of Slave Housing at Saragossa Plantation, Natchez, Mississippi
Amy L. Young


O'Brien and Lyman: James A. Ford and the Growth of Americanist Archaeology
Andrew L. Christenson

Stein et al. (eds.): Carolina's Historical Landscapes: Archaeological Perspectives
Nicholas Honerkamp

Milner: The Cahokia Chiefdom: The Archaeology of a Mississippian Society
Adam King

Lewis and Stout (eds.): Mississippian Towns and Sacred Places: Searching for an Architectural Grammar
Mark Williams

Rolingson: Toltec Mounds and Plum Bayou Culture: Mound D Excavations
Sissel Schroeder

Williams and Elliott (eds.): A World Engraved: Archaeology of the Swift Creek Culture
Charles R. Cobb

Schambach: Pre-Caddoan Cultures in the Trans-Mississippi South: A Beginning Sequence
Joe Saunders

LaVere: The Caddo Chiefdoms: Caddo Economics and Politics, 700-1835
Paul D. Welch

Garland: The Obion Site: An Early Mississippian Center in Western Tennessee
Timothy R. Pauketat

Book Notes

The Apalachee Indians and Mission San Luis; The Georgia and South Carolina Coastal Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfeld Moore; Archeology of the Florida Gulf Coast; Anthropology Explored: The Best of Smithsonian AnthroNotes; Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family

Volume 18 Number 2 Winter 1999



Hearing and Reading Southeastern Archaeology: A Review of the Annual Meetings of SEAC from 1983 through 1995 and the Journal Southeastern Archaeology
Cheryl Claassen, Michael O'Neal, Tamara Wilson, Elizabeth Arnold, and Brent Lansdell

The Production and Consumption of Mississippian Fineware in the American Bottom
Gregory D. Wilson

De Soto's Itaba and the Nature of Sixteenth Century Paramount Chiefdoms
Adam King


Spindle Whorls and Fiber Production at Early Cahokian Settlements
Susan Alt

AMS Dates on Artifacts of the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex from Spiro
James A. Brown and J. Daniel Rogers

Archaeology, History, Fluvial Geomorphology, and the Mystery Mounds of Northwest Florida
Nancy Marie White, Joe Knetsch, and B. Calvin Jones

On the Potential of Archaeomagnetic Dating in the Midcontinent Region of North America: Toqua Site Results
Stacey N. Lengyel, Jeffrey L. Eighmy, and Lynne P. Sullivan


Knight and Steponaitis (eds.): Archaeology of the Moundville Chiefdom
Timothy Earle

Curry: Feast of the Dead: Aboriginal Ossuaries in Maryland
Donna C. Boyd

Mainfort and Sullivan (eds.): Ancient Earthen Enclosures of the Eastern Woodlands
H. Edwin Jackson

Van Tilburg and Babits (eds.): Maritime Archaeology: A Reader of Substantive and Theoretical Contributions
Brinnen Carter

King: Cultural Resource Laws & Practice: An Introductory Guide
Bruce E. Rippeteau

Shackel et al. (eds.): Annapolis Pasts: Historical Archaeology in Annapolis, Maryland
Amy L. Young

General Electric Company (eds.): Hopewell in Mount Vernon
Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.

Volume 19 Number 1 Summer 2000



Strangers in Paradise? Recognizing Ethnic Mortuary Diversity on the Fringes of Cahokia
Thomas E. Emerson and Eve Hargrave

The Material Culture of Precolumbian Fishing: Artifacts and Fish Remains from Coastal Southwest

Karen J. Walker

Time, Space, and Marker Types: James A. Ford's 1936 Chronology for the Lower Mississippi Valley
Michael J. O'Brien, R. Lee Lyman, and John Darwent

Burial Practices, Mortality, and Diet in East-Central Mississippi: A Case Study from Oktibbeha County
S. Homes Hogue


An Aptly Named Steamboat: Clarence B. Moore's Gopher
Charles E. Pearson, Thomas C. C. Birchett, and Richard A. Weinstein

Avocational Education through "Dig Bingo!"
William B. Lees


Mullins: Race and Affluence: An Archaeology of African America and Consumer Choice
Timothy E. Baumann

Ward and Davis: Time Before History: The Archaeology of North Carolina
Paul S. Gardner

O'Brien and Lyman: Seriation, Stratigraphy, and Index Fossils: The Backbone of Archaeological Dating
William S. Dancey

Volume 19 Number 2 Winter 2000


Beads, Microdrills, Bifaces, and Blades from Watson Brake
Jay K. Johnson

Late Prehistoric Mortuary Behavior at Upper Nodena
Rita Fisher-Carroll and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.

Contemporary Lithic Analysis and Southeastern Archaeology
Philip J. Carr and Andrew P. Bradbury

Vertebrate Subsistence in the Mississippian-Historic Transition
Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman

Fifty Years Since Sears: Deconstructing the Domestic Sphere at Kolomoki
Thomas J. Pluckhahn


The Identification of Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) as a Seasonal Indicator Species and Implications for Coastal Mississippian Subsistence Modeling
Daniel C. Weinand, C. Fred T. Andrus, and M. Ray Crook, Jr.


Worth: The Timucuan Chiefdoms of Spanish Florida, volume 1: Assimilation, volume 2: Resistance and Destruction
David G. Anderson

White, Sullivan, and Marrinan, eds.:Grit Tempered: Early Women Archaeologists in the Southeastern United States
Sissel Schroeder

ISSN 0734-578X