
Southeastern Archaeology

Southeastern Archaeology is a refereed journal that publishes works concerning the archaeology of southeastern North America and neighboring regions. It welcomes articles from all time periods, from the Paleoindian to recent history, and a broad range of interdisciplinary perspectives. Articles of theoretical interest relevant to the American Southeast are particularly welcome.

Papers linking the Southeast with adjacent regions, such as the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Plains, and Caribbean, are encouraged as are papers that place the Southeast within a broader, global context. Papers need not have been presented at a meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference to be considered for publication. Submissions are expected to meet ethical stands as stipulated in the Society for American Archaeology web site.

Southeastern Archaeology publishes articles that fit within four primary goals.

  • Articles of a theoretical nature that provide novel insights into significant issues of interest to a wide professional readership both within the southeastern region and beyond.
  • Review articles summarizing or synthesizing regional or topical research of interest to archaeologists within the Southeast and in other regions.
  • Articles reviewing research in other regions relevant to the Southeast.
  • Short technical reports focused on topics of regional significance.

Information for Authors

Authors are responsible for all aspects of their research and manuscript, including the content of their papers, the accuracy of quotations, correct attributions, and the legal right to publish the material submitted. All aspects of the research should conform to commonly held ethical principles, such as those of the Society for American Archaeology and the Society for Historical Archaeology, including adherence to the professional goal of avoiding the appearance of adding commercial value to archaeological, ethnographic, and historical objects.

Articles should not normally exceed 10,000 words in length, including references. Reports should not exceed 5,000 words including references. Manuscripts should be formatted following the SAA style guide. Manuscript should not use Endnotes to construct the references, hyperlinks, or embedded tables and figures. Submitted images are required to comply with the SEAC Image Policy.

Articles must be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit a manuscript, you should:

  • Complete the Submission form, which will prompt you to input the title, contact information for all authors, three suggested reviewers, and copies of the abstract and keywords.
  • Upload a Word file containing the title page, author information, abstract, keywords, text, data accessibility information, funding details, references, and lists of table headings and figure captions.
  • Upload each figure separately. See Editorial Manager for information about format requirements and the cost of including color figures in print.
  • Upload each table separately. Tables may be in Excel.

You must also download, complete, and return the author agreement. Supplementary information such as datasets, animations, models, or videos may be supported in online publication. Consult the Editor at the time of submission to determine appropriateness. These files must be submitted offline, but you will need to indicate that an item of this type is being including in the submission.

For additional policies and formatting requirements, see Instructions for Authors.


Online Journal

Member access to SA issues available online through Taylor & Francis. Note: You must be logged into the SEAC website for the link to route you properly.

Editorial Offices

Editor, Editor-Elect, and Associate Editors for Newsletter and Book Reviews