
Job Advertising on the SEAC Website

If you have a job, fellowship, or other opportunity you would like to advertise on the SEAC website, please email the Webmaster/Social Media Editor directly and include all relevant details, as well as a link to where people can find more information. This information will then be shared to SEAC's Facebook and Twitter feeds.


Rates for Advertising in Southeastern Archaeology

Southeastern Archaeology is the journal of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference. The journal is peer reviewed and publishes papers on the prehistoric and historical archaeology of southeastern North America and neighboring regions. Articles cover a broad range of topics, including field reports, regional summaries, methodological innovations, and theoretical advances. Our current circulation is 900 and we average about 150 pages per volume.

Full Page black and white: $350.00
Half Page black and white: $200.00
For color, contact the Editor.

Submission Guidelines

Artwork should be in jpeg or TIFF format at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. All advertisements are subject to review by the Editor and the SEAC Executive Board. Payment is due with submission of artwork.

Trim Size: 8 ½ inches wide by 11 inches high
Full-page ad: 6.5 inches wide by 9 inches high
Half-page ad: 6.5 inches wide by 4.5 inches high

The artwork should be submitted to the Journal Editor, and may be forwarded via email or CD.