
SEAC Membership Benefits

Membership in the Southeastern Archaeology Conference means being a part of the single largest community of archaeologists in the southeastern United States and an organization that traces its roots to the Conference on Pottery Nomenclature for the Southeastern United States.  For those interested in and practicing archaeology in the region, it is the definitive membership. 

There are a number of benefits associated with membership:

  • A paper and online subscription to the premier journal, Southeastern Archaeology, published four times a year. Note: Anyone may opt out of receiving the paper journal in their membership profile; Student Members do not receive the paper journal.
  • Discounted registration rates for the Annual Meeting and access to additional networking opportunities.
  • Opportunities to strengthen archaeology in the Southeast through serving on SEAC's committees and task forces
  • A listing in our Member Directory and access to the Members-Only Area of the website.
  • Personal access to a digital library of more than 1,500 academic journals on JSTOR for only $99/year.

Member support makes possible the Bulletin/Annual Meeting Proceedings and SEAC Newsletter, Horizon & Tradition, which are available to both members and nonmembers on our website.

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