Volume 32 Number 1 2013



Prehistoric Freshwater Mussel Faunas from Bayou Bartholomew, Southeastern Arkansas

Evan Peacock, Amy Moe-Hoffman, Robert J. Scott, and Marvin D. Jeter

The Chronology of Monks Mound

Timothy Schilling

Ceramic Shell Cup Effigies from Illinois and Their Implications

Laura Kozuch


Using Fluorescence of Bones and Teeth to Detect Remains of the Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) in Archaeological Deposits

Nancy D. Moncrief and Alton C. Dooley, Jr.

Native American Material Culture from the Wallace Bottom Site, Southeastern Arkansas

John H. House

The Collins Site (3WA1): Exploring Architectural Variation in the Western Ozark Highlands

Stephanie M. Sullivan and Duncan P. McKinnon

Radiocarbon Trends and the East Texas Caddo Tradition (ca. AD. 800-1680)

Robert Z. Selden, Jr., and Timothy K. Perttula

Stable Isotopic Reconstruction of Diet and Residential Mobility in a Postbellum African American Community in Rural Georgia

Emily M. R. Vanderpool and Bethany L. Turner

Bioarchaeological Analysis of Subsistence and Health at the Lake George Site, Mississippi (22YZ557)

Ginesse A. Listi


Practicing Archaeology: An Introduction to Cultural Resources Archaeology, Thomas W. Neumann and Robert M. Sanford, reviewed by Tamira K. Brennan

The Americas that Might Have Been: Native American Social Systems through Time, Julian Granberry, reviewed by Ramie A. Gougeon

Feasting with Shellfish in the Southern Ohio Valley: Archaic Sacred Sites and Rituals, Cheryl Claassen, reviewed by Carla S. Hadden