The 2024-2025 Grant Cycle opens Friday, October 25th and closes Monday, January 13 at 11:59 pm. 

The SEAC Public Outreach grant supports projects that promote public awareness of archaeology in the Southeast through creative and innovative educational and outreach activities. The review committee prioritizes outreach activities that bring archaeology to community stakeholders and those individuals who have been historically marginalized in the creation of archaeological knowledge. The grant is open to anyone in or near the traditional boundaries of the southeastern culture area, and all proposals must have a tie to the southeastern states. Examples of public projects include teacher workshops, exhibits, Archaeology Week/Month activities, archaeology fairs, field trips, or other public-oriented projects.

The application is limited to 5 double-spaced pages with no less than 11 point font; and 3 pages of Addendum items, which may be included as supporting documentation.

SEAC Outreach Grant Application (Word)

SEAC Outreach Grant Application (PDF)

Submission of Final Report

Upon conclusion of the project, and no later than 4 months after the conclusion, the following items will be submitted to the Public Outreach Grant Committee:

  • A final narrative report, suitable for publication in the SEAC Newsletter, of about 500 words in length. The purpose of publication of the narrative report is to inform the SEAC membership of the funded project and to promote the Public Outreach Grant program. The narrative report should be sent to the Chair of the Committee and should include
    1. description of the project and its outcome
    2. number served
    3. how advertise
    4. how evaluated
    5. description of any planned follow up or dissemination of materials

In addition, the following items should be sent with the Final Report to the Public Outreach Grant Committee:

  • description of the evaluation plan and criteria, and a summary of the results of the evaluation
  • accounting of expenditures, matching funds or in-kind contributions