
SEAC CRM Stewardship Award


The SEAC Cultural Resource Management and Preservation Stewardship Award is given to a distinguished member of a public, private, or nonprofit agency, organization, or corporation in recognition of outstanding contributions to cultural resource management and historic preservation in the Southeastern United States.


  • Type and length of service: a current employee or volunteer of a federal, state, tribal, or local government agency, cultural resource management company, museum, educational institution, or similar institution who has developed and/or implemented public policy, regulations, and ordinances furthering cultural resource site protection and historic preservation in the Southeastern United States. The candidate should have a demonstratable record of service encompassing a minimum of five years. This term of service can be split across multiple organizations
  • Major contributions: how the candidate’s work has made a significant contribution to the discipline – articulated in a way that can be understood by peers and those unfamiliar with cultural resource management and historic preservation
  • Reputation and leadership: the candidate should be aspirational to their peers in SEAC – represented by the quality of their work, service to their discipline, and/or as a mentor to others wanting to serve in similar roles


The SEAC CRM Stewardship Award is open to all those who are members of SEAC, have been actively engaged in cultural resource management and historic preservation for at least five years, and are a current employee or volunteer of a federal, state, tribal, or local government agency, cultural resource management company, museum, educational institution, or similar institution. Exceptions to the active employee or volunteer requirement can be made for exceptional circumstances (within one year of nomination) such as, but not limited to, maternity/paternity leave and unanticipated shifts in employment status due to company/organization closure or new employment opportunities outside of the sector.

Nomination & Selection Process

Eligible nominators must be a current member of SEAC. A nomination package consisting of a maximum 200-word nomination statement and a curriculum vitae or resume for nominees should be sent in electronic form to the chair of the SEAC CRM Stewardship Award no later than 90 days prior to the annual business meeting. Nomination letters should be concise and preferably on letterhead. Nomination letters must clearly articulate how the candidate has contributed foundational and groundbreaking contributions to the discipline through cultural resource management and historic preservation. Each nominee package will remain valid for up to five years, assuming that the candidate remains in good standing with SEAC and meets the minimum requirements for the duration. The individual who submitted the application may update it for or withdraw it from future consideration while the nomination window remains open.