SEAC now on Twitter

Follow SEAC on Twitter SEAC@SEACArchaeology as we gear up for #SEAC2014. A big thank you to John Samuelsen for helping set it up and for our first and second tweets!

Position – Research Assistant Professor

Archaeology — Southeastern U.S. The South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA), College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Carolina, invite applications for a Research Assistant Professor in Early Hunter-Gatherer

ASSC Seeks Demonstrators

Each year the Archaeological Society of South Carolina (ASSC) holds an archaeology public outreach program for their membership and the interested public. This year the ASSC Fall Field Day coincides with the annual SEAC conference on Saturday,

Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations: C.B. Moore Award Nominations for the C. B. Moore Award are open. This award is given to a young scholar for excellence in southeastern archaeology and associated studies. A maximum 200-word nomination statement and a CV for

SEAC Newsletter // Spring Issue now available

The April issue of the SEAC Newsletter, Horizon & Tradition, is now available.  Inside this issue: Letter from SEAC President T.R. Kidder SEAC 2014 Information Feature article on an 1873 portrait of C.B. Moore Final report on the 2013 Public

Call for Nominations: Patty Jo Watson Award

In 2012, the Southeastern Archaeological Conference (SEAC) established the Patty Jo Watson Award for best article or book chapter on Southeastern Archaeology. Patty Jo Watson, a renowned American archaeologist who has worked extensively on the

Call for Nominations: SEAC Officers

President Kidder has appointed the SEAC Nominations Committee for 2014.  This committee will identify candidates for three positions, President-elect, (a two year term, followed by a two-year term as President) Secretary-elect (a one-year term,

SEAC Announces 2014 Public Outreach Grant Cycle

The Southeastern Archaeological Conference (SEAC), in order to promote public awareness of archaeology in the Southeast, supports a program of small grants to finance public outreach projects. SEAC provides an annual grant of $2,000 per year to

Project to Publish Children’s Illustrated Book

The 2013 Southeastern Archaeological Conference (SEAC) Public Outreach Grant was awarded to Sarah Nohe, Outreach Coordinator, Florida Public Archaeology Network at Florida Atlantic University, Fort Lauderdale, for her project The Misadventures