
Call for Proposals – Hudson Award

PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: OCTOBER 14, 2022 The Charles Hudson Award is intended to recognize and support students who carry out high quality research on the social history of the Southeastern United States using ethnohistory, archaeology,

Position – Scientific Specialist, ISAS

ISAS is seeking to hire a Scientific Specialist, Archaeology (up to 4 depending on applicant pool and programmatic need) to conduct field archaeological investigations and analysis projects. Position is based in the ISAS American Bottom Field

Position – Senior Scientific Specialist, ISAS

ISAS is seeking to hire a Senior Scientific Specialist, Archaeology (up to 4 depending on applicant pool and programmatic need) to conduct and lead field archaeological investigations and analysis projects. Position is based in the ISAS American

SEAC Meetings Code of Conduct 2022

The SEAC Executive Committee passed the code of conduct for SEAC members regarding sexual harassment on September 5, 2022 by an overhwhelming majority. This action confirms and solidifies SEAC’s commitment to creating a community of