81st Annual Meeting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (2025)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
November 5-8, 2025
Details Coming Soon!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Donations will be advertised online and in the program. Donations of over $250 will be listed in the pocket program, the full program, online, and in-person at the conference and other donors will have their name listed in the full program and online.
Bronze donors = $250 or more will receive a 1/6 page ad.
Silver donors = $500 or more 1/4 page ad.
Gold donors = $750 or more a 1/2 page ad.
Platinum donors = $1000 or more a full-page ad in the pocket program.
Organizing Committee
Richard Weinstein (rweinstein@coastalenv.com)
Remember to check out SEAC on Facebook and Twitter for information about the conference.