The 2021 SEAC Business Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 26th in Durham, North Carolina. Committee and Task Force Reports, and Resolutions will be updated once the 2021 Meeting Minutes have been finalized.
Officers' Reports
Treasurer- preliminary
Journal Editor
Social Media Editor/Webmaster
Committee/Task Force/Network Reports
2022 Annual Meeting Organizers, Little Rock
2023 Annual Meeting Organizers, Chattanooga
2024 Annual Meeting Organizers, Tampa
Student Affairs
Mentoring Network
Native American Affairs
Investment and Finance
Task Force on Sexual Harassment/Assault
Task Force on Diversity and Equity
Public Outreach Grant
Patty Jo Watson Award
Charles Hudson Award
C.B. Moore Award
Judith G. Knight Student Paper Prize
Lifetime Achievement Award
Memorial Resolutions
Cliff Boyd
Glenn Doran
TJ Holland
Susan Scott Jackson
Robert Lafferty
Same McGahey
Lee Novick
Frank Schambach
Rodney Snedecker
Charlie Poe
Others: Michael Klein, Martin Byers, Joseph Powell, Dave Davis, Warren DeBoer, Gerald Kline, Tim Harjo, Meeks Etchieson
Student Award
Patty Jo Watson Award
C.B. Moore Award
Lifetime Achievement Award
Presidential Awards