
SEAC Standing Committees and Task Forces

Native American Affairs

Karen Brunso, co-chair, karen.brunso@chickasaw.net
Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz, co-chair, ihlul@psu.edu

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Jayur Mehta, co-chair, jmehta@fsu.edu
LeeAnne Wendt, co-chair, lwendt@muscogeenation.com
Shawn Lambert, shawn.lambert@anthro.msstate.edu
Rodney Parker, rodney.d.parker@usace.army.mil
Sarah Love, sarah.love@dnr.ga.gov
Seth Grooms, sbgrooms@wustl.edu
Michelle LeFebvre, mlefebvre@flmnh.ufl.edu

Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention

Carol E. Colaninno, chair, ccolaninno@gmail.com
Mikayla Absher, mikaylalaneabsher@gmail.com
Robbie Ethridge, rethridg@olemiss.edu
Shawn Lambert, sl2042@msstate.edu
Brian "BC" Cavanaugh, bcavanaugh@newsouthassoc.com
Laura Fuentes, lauraf@flateartharcheology.com
Ethan Mofidi, emofidi@ou.edu

Investment and Finance

Paul D Welch, pwelch@siu.edu
Lynne P. Sullivan, lsulliv2@utk.edu
Kandace D. Hollenbach, kdh@utk.edu
Albert Goodyear, GOODYEAR@mailbox.sc.edu

Southeastern Archaeological Mentoring Network

To contact the committee generally, please email seacsamn@gmail.com

Lindsey Cochran, co-chair, Lindsey.Cochran@uga.edu
Rebecca Barzilai, co-chair, barzilai@illinois.edu
Autumn Melby, student representative, melbya@sas.upenn.edu
This committee is looking for new members. All are welcome! If you would like to join, please email seacsamn@gmail.com

Public Outreach Grant

Carol Colannino, co-chair, ccolaninno@gmail.com
Emily Clark, co-chair, eclark10@tulane.edu
Ashley Dumas, adumas@uwa.edu
Paige Ford, paigef@uark.edu
Maegen Smith, maegan_smith@att.net


Paige Ford, chair, paigef@uark.edu
Meghan Buchanan, meb0105@auburn.edu
Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, jhlulewicz@psu.edu
Taylor Greene, taylorg@uark.edu

Rising Scholar Award

Maureen Meyers, chair, mmeyers@newsouthassoc.com
Kandace D. Hollenbach, kdh@utk.edu
Jane Eastman, jeastman@wcu.edu

Lifetime Achievement Award

Jessica Crawford, tacsoutheast@gmail.com
Scot Keith, scotkeith@southres.com
David Cranford, david.cranford@dncr.nc.gov
Terry Powis, tpowis@kennesaw.edu

Patty Jo Watson Award

Anna Semon, chair, asemon@amnh.org
Paige Ford, paigef@uark.edu
Erin Nelson, erinnelson@southalabama.edu

Judith G. Knight Student Paper Competition

Christina Friberg, cfriberg@fieldmuseum.org
Elliot Blair, ehblair@ua.edu
Brandon Ritchison, britch@illinois.edu

Student Paper Prize Coordinator
Jane Eastman, jeastman@wcu.edu

Charles Hudson Award

Matthew Compton, chair jcompton@georgiasouthern.edu
Gabrielle Purcell, gpurcell@troy.edu
Trevor Duke, tduke@newsouthassoc.com

CRM & Preservation Stewardship Award

Stefan Brennan, chair, sbrannan@newsouthassoc.com
Liz Horton

Student Affairs

To contact the committee generally, please email SEACStudentAffairs@gmail.com

Mikayla Lane-Absher, chair, mikaylalaneabsher@gmail.com
Tara Skipton, chair-elect, taraskipton@utexas.edu
Devin Henson, webmaster, dahenson@unc.edu
Ethan Mofidi, member-at-large, emofidi@ou.edu
Anthony Farace, member-at-large, afarace@ufl.edu
Matthew Picarelli-Kombert, member-at-large, mvp6195@psu.edu