
SEAC Officers

Voting Officers

Jane EastmanPresident
Ramie GougeonSecretary
Amanda RegnierSecretary-elect
Jon MarcouxTreasurer
Lindsay BlochJournal Editor
Tony BoudreauxJournal Editor-elect
Jessica KowalskiExecutive Officer I
Deanna ByrdExecutive Officer II
Karen StevensWebmaster and Social Media Editor
Michelle RathgaberWebmaster and Social Media Editor-Elect
Carol E. ColaninnoSHARP Coordinator

Non-Voting Officers

Matthew P. RooneyAssociate Editor (Newsletter)
Ben SteereAssociate Editor (Book Reviews)
Mikayla AbsherStudent Representative

Editorial Board

Lindsay BlochJournal Editor
Tony BoudreauxJournal Editor-elect
Ben SteereAssociate Editor (Book Reviews)
Matthew P. RooneyAssociate Editor (Newsletter)
Karen StevensWebmaster and Social Media Editor
Robin BeckFormer Editor
Mary Beth D. TrubittFormer Editor
Charlie CobbFormer Editor
Thomas J. Pluckhahn Former Editor
Elizabeth J. ReitzFormer Editor