
See below for listings of southeastern archaeological field schools running during 2023. If you would like us to add your field school to the list, please fill out this form.

Coastal Carolina University

Dates: May 8-June 2, 2023
Site: Laurel Hill Plantation, late 1700s-1800s
Instructor: David Palmer (dpalmer1@coastal.edu )
Credits: 4 credits
Cost: $1,948.00 (in-state and out-of-state residents)
Location: Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
Other Information: rice, African Diaspora, Gullah

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dates: May 17-June 23, 2023
Site: potential early colonial Native American site (survey & text excavations)
Instructor: Dr. Heather Lapham (hlapham@unc.edu) & Dr. Mary Beth Fitts
Credits: 6 credits
Cost: $1,758* (in-state residents) and $5,760* (out-of-state residents). *Tuition estimates may change by the time of registration.
Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Other Information: Field school will include survey and test excavations. Students will need to arrange their own local housing and food.

Institute for Field Research

Dates: May 14- June 17, 2023
Site: Evergreen Plantation, French Colonial through mid-20th century
Instructor: Jayur Mehta (jmehta@fsu.edu) & Alisha Gaines, & Natalie King-Pedroso
Credits: 9 credits
Cost: $4175
Location: Wallace, Louisiana

University of Arkansas

Dates: July 3- August 4, 2023
Site: Historic Cane Hill, early kiln & associated structures
Instructor: Jessica Kowalski (jkowalsk@uark.edu )
Credits: 6 credits
Cost: $1530 (Arkansas residents), $5082 (non-residents)
Location: Northwest Arkansas
Other Information: Historic Cane Hill is a community in Northwest Arkansas that features intact 19th century structures and multi-component archeological deposits. This pioneer settlement is known for early educational institutions in Arkansas, was the location of a Civil War-era battle, and later was known as a stoneware manufacturing hub in the Ozarks. Archeological work at Historic Cane Hill will include the investigation of an early kiln & associated structures. This field school will include training in survey methods, excavation techniques, laboratory processing and inventorying, and UAV or drone remote-sensing.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Dates: May 22- June 30, 2023
Site: Fort Kaskaskia I, Fort Kaskaskia II, and James West Site
Instructor: Mark Wagner (mjwagner@siu.edu )
Credits: 6 credits
Cost: $2441.80
Location: Southern Illinois (Carbondale)
Other Information: We are going to be working at three historic sites Fort Kaskaskia 1 (11R326), Fort Kaskaskia II (1R612, and the James West Site (not site number yet). Fort Kaskaskia I and II are French colonial (Fort I) and early American Republic (Fort II) military sites in southern Illinois. The French fort (1759-1763) may have been built by African slaves from the nearby town of Kaskaskia and thus may be one of the oldest African Diaspora sites in Illinois. The American fort (1803-1806) supplied men and supplies for the Lewis and Clark Expedition and may have been established to specifically support that expedition. The James West site also is an African Diaspora site in that it is the home of an 1850s AMA abolitionist missionary who was driven out of southern Illinois by a pro-slavery mob under threats of death to him and his family if they did not leave. Students will receive instructions in remote sensing, mapping, and hand excavation of archaeological features at all three sites. The field school runs from March 22-June 30. Total cost for this six credit course is $2441.80. Housing is available in the SIU dorms for an extra fee. We, however, currently have over $11,000 in scholarships to defray tuition and housing costs that students can apply for and we expect to receive more. Please contact Dr. Mark Wagner at mjwagner@iu.edu for additional details.