
The Charles Hudson Award Fund

The Charles Hudson Award is intended to recognize and support students who carry out high quality research on the social history of the Southeastern United States using ethnohistory, archaeology, history, linguistics, or oral traditions. Preference is given to proposals that draw on more than one of these methods or that link the people known only through archaeology to more recent indigenous people. Quality of research in this specified area (including significance, clarity of research design, and feasibility) is the sole criterion for judging proposals. The Award is given in support of research and scholarly development and may be used for research expenses, lab materials, travel, books, tuition, fees, and other scholarly needs as justified in the application materials. For more information, see the award page.

Donate to the Hudson Award fund


The SEAC Student Membership Lottery Fund

In an effort to make the discipline of archaeology accessible to all, SEAC is calling for donations to support the SEAC Student Membership Lottery. This is a chance for members to “pay it forward” to students and supply them with a 2024 paid membership to the organization. Donations will be distributed between students from all colleges and universities with a percentage being set aside for HBCU’s (historically black colleges and universities), MSI’s (minority serving institutions), PBI’s (predominantly black institutions), and TCU’s (tribal colleges and universities).

Donate to the SEAC Student Membership Lottery fund