Volume 30 Number 2 Winter 2011
Hidden Differences Beneath a Surface Equality: Mortuary Variability in two Late-Nineteenth-century Cemeteries in Crawford County, Arkansas
James M. Davidson and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.
Looking Beyond the Obvious: Identifying Patterns in Coles Creek Mortuary Data
Megan C. Kassabaum
Population Dispersal and Human Health at Moundville
Shannon Chappell Hodge
The Use of Shell-Tempered Pottery in the Caddo Area of the Southeastern United States
Timothy K. Perttula, Mary Beth Trubitt, and Jeffrey S. Girard
Shell-Tempered Pottery on the Central Plains
Donna C. Roper
Paste Characterization of Weeden Island Pottery from Kolomoki and its Implications for Specialized Production
Thomas J. Pluckhahn and Ann S. Cordell
An Investigation of the Origins of Variation in Perishable Architecture at Jonathan Creek
Sissel Schroeder
Examining Ichthyofaunal Remains for Evidence of Fishing Technologies Employed in Georgia Estuaries during the Late Archaic Period
Carol E. Colaninno
Dating the Construction of Early Late Woodland Earthen Monuments at the Jackson Landing Site in Coastal Mississippi
Edmond A. Boudreaux ill.
Macrobotanical Analysis of two Hopewell Mound Samples from the Mann Site (12P02) in Indiana
Jocelyn C. Turner
Challenges in Approaches to Skeletal Stature Estimation: An Example from Prehistoric Eastern Mississippi and Western Alabama
Kristrina A. Shuler, Marie Elaine Danforth, and Jeffrey Auerbach
An Alternative Ontology and Experimental Study of Pottery Punctation in Southern Appalachian Region Prehistory
Thomas R. Whyte, Scott A. Fleeman, and Cathleen D. Evans
George A. Lidberg Jr. and Depression-era Archaeology in Tennessee
Marlin F. Hawley and David H. Dye
Sassaman, The Eastern Archaic, Historicized, reviewed by Victor D. Thompson
Byers and Wymer (eds.), Hopewell Settlement Patterns, Subsistence, and Symbolic Landscapes, reviewed by Robert C. Mainfort Jr.
Blitz, Moundville, reviewed by Thomas E. Emerson
Ethridge, From Chicaza to Chickasaw: The European Invasion and the Transformation of the Mississippian World, 1540-1715, reviewed by Christoper B. Rodning
Deagan and Thomas, From Santa Elena to St. Augustine: Indigenous Ceramics Variability (AD. 1400-1700), reviewed by Christopher R. Moore
Miroff and Knapp (eds.), Iroquoian Archaeology and Analytic Scale, reviewed by Timothy K. Perttula
Metheny, From the Miners’ Doublehouse: Archaeology and Landscape in a Pennsylvania Coal Company Town, reviewed by Tanya Faberson