Volume 23 Number 1 Summer 2004



Silence over Kolomoki: A Curious Episode in the History of Southeastern Archaeology
Vernon James Knight, Jr. and Frank T. Schnell

Calibrated Radiocarbon Chronology for Pinson Mounds and Middle Woodland in the Midsouth
Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. and Charles H. McNutt

Animal Use in the Georgia Pine Barrens: An Example from the Hartford Site (9PU1)
Nanny Carder, Elizabeth J. Reitz, and J. Matthew Compton

From Edge to Frontier: Early Mississippian Occupation of the Lower Illinois River Valley
Colleen Delaney-Rivera

Dating Gahagan and Its Implications for Understanding Cahokia-Caddo Interactions
Thomas E. Emerson and Jeffrey S. Girard

Evidence of Historic Creek Indian Migration from a Regional and Direct Historic Analysis of Ceramic Types
H.Thomas Foster II

The North-South Copper Axis
William A. Fox

Testing Mounds B and E at Poverty Point
Tristram R. Kidder, Anthony Ortmann, and Thurman Alien


Blake and Cutler, Plants from the Past, reviewed by Katherine R. Mickelson

Hudson, Conversations with the High Priest of Coosa, reviewed by Ramie A. Gougeon

Groover, An Archaeological Study of Rural Capitalism and Material Life: The Gibbs Farmstead in Southern Appalachia, 1790-1920, reviewed by Lance Greene

Bonney and Paredes (eds.). Anthropologists and Indians in the New South, reviewed by Lara K. Homsey

Whitley (ed.). Handbook of Rock Art Research, reviewed by Jan F. Simek

Purdy (ed.). Enduring Records: The Environmental and Cultural Heritage of Wetlands, reviewed by Robert J. Austin

Jacobi, Last Rites for the Tipu Maya, reviewed by Lauren A. Sullivan

Volume 23 Number 2 Winter 2004



The Submound and Mound Architecture and Features of Mound C, Etowah, Bartow County, Georgia
Lewis H. Larson, Jr.

Special Thematic Section

Lewis H. Larson, Jr.: From Minnesota to Georgia-A Road Less Traveled
edited by David J. Hally

David J. Hally

The Education of an Archaeologist: The 1954 Season at Etowah, Georgia
George E. Stuart

Deciphering Etowah's Mound C: The Construction History and Mortuary Record of a Mississippian Burial Mound
Adam King

Mortuary Patterns at a Sixteenth-Century Town in Northwestern Georgia
David J. Hally

An Enduring Contribution: Following Larson's Lead on Pottery Change in the Mission Period
Rebecca Saunders

The Sapelo Shell Ring Complex: Shallow Geophysics on a Georgia Sea Island
Victor D. Thompson,Matthew D. Reynolds, Bryan Haley, Richard Jefferies, Jay K. Johnson, and Laura Humphries

Aboriginal Subsistence Technology: A Personal Perspective
Elizabeth J. Reitz

Digging through Georgia: 1958-1960
Dan F. Morse and Phyllis A. Morse

Legislation, Legacy, and Larson: Lewis H. Larson, Georgia's First State Archaeologist
Thomas Hales Eubanks

An Archaeological Friendship of More than Half a Century
Stephen Williams


King, Thinking About Cultural Resource Management: Essays from the Edge, and
Austin, Hoffman, and Ballo (eds.). Thinking About Significance, reviewed by Ramie A. Gougeon

King, Places that Count: Traditional Cultural Properties in Cultural Resource Management, reviewed by Brian D. Haley

Wesler, Excavations at Wickliffe Mounds, reviewed by Paul D. Welch

Hutchinson, Foraging, Farming and Coastal Biocultural Adaptation in Late Prehistoric North Carolina, reviewed by Maureen S. Meyers

Kapitzke, Religion, Power, and Politics in Colonial St. Augustine, reviewed by John F. Scarry

Brooks, Captives and Cousins: Slavery, Kinship, and Community in the Southwest Borderlands, reviewed by Jennifer L. Thompson

Volume 24 Number 1 Summer 2005



Intruding on the Past: The Reuse of Ancient Earthen Mounds by Native Americans
Rob Mann

Mississippian Status in Western Kentucky: Evidence from the Annis Mound
Scott W. Hammerstedt

A Platform Mound at the Norman Site (34WG2), Eastern
Gregory Vogel, Marvin Kay, and Louis Vogele, Jr.

A New Series of Absolute Dates from Lyon's Bluff (220K520), East-Central Mississippi
Evan Peacock and S. Homes Hogue

A K-Means Analysis of Late Period Ceramic Variation in the Central Mississippi Valley
Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.

The Identification and Potential Significance of Early Holocene Prepared Clay Surfaces: Examples from Dust Cave and Icehouse Bottom
Sarah C. Sherwood and Jefferson Chapman

Early and Mid-Holocene Dogs in Southeastern North America: Examples from Dust Cave
Renee B. Walker, Darcy F. Morey, and John H. Relethford


Crothers (ed.), Hunter-Gatherers in Theory and Archaeology, reviewed by Donald H. Holly, Jr.

Milner, The Moundbuilders: Ancient Peoples of Eastern North America, reviewed by John H. Blitz

Gibson and Carr (eds.). Signs of Power: The Rise of Cultural Complexity in the Southeast, reviewed by Victor D. Thompson

Brown (ed.). Bottle Creek: A Pensacola Culture Site in South Alabama, reviewed by Claudine Payne

Weinstein, Kelley, and Saunders (eds.). The Louisiana and Arkansas Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore, reviewed by Mark A. Rees

Atkinson, Splendid Land, Splendid People: The Chickasaw Indians to Removal, reviewed by Brad R. Lieb

Rountree and Turner, Before and After Jamestown: Virginia's Powhatans and Their Predecessors, reviewed by Christopher T. Espenshade

Jameson, Ehrenhard, and Finn (eds.). Ancient Muses: Archaeology and the Arts, reviewed by Philip E. Coyle

Loubser, Archaeology: The Comic, reviewed by Barbara J. Gundy

Volume 24 Number 2 Winter 2005



Changes in Foodways at the Parkin Site, Arkansas
C. Margaret Scarry and Elizabeth J. Reitz

Isotopic Evidence of Immigration Linked to Status during the Weeden Island and Suwannee Valley Periods in North Florida
Bethany L. Turner, John D. Kingston, and Jerald T. Milanich

Textile Evidence for Ohio Hopewell Burial Practices
Amanda Jo Thompson and Kathryn A. Jakes

The Pinson Observatory
Charles H. McNutt

Biological Structure of the San Pedro y San Pablo de Patale Mission Cemetery
Christopher Michael Stojanowski

1938-1939 WPA Excavations at the Hatchel Site (41BW3) on the Red River in Bowie County, Texas
Timothy K.Perttula

Middle Archaic Settlement Organization in the Upper Tombigbee Drainage: A View from the Uplands
Jeffrey S. Alvey

Seriation: Classic Problems and Multivariate Applications
Charles H. McNutt


Truncer (ed.). Picking the Lock of Time: Developing Chronology in American Archaeology, reviewed by Phillip R. Hodge

South, An Archaeological Evolution, reviewed by Thomas E. Beaman, Jr

Weisman, Pioneer in Space and Time: John Mann Goggin and the Development of Florida Archaeology, reviewed by Robert S. Carr

Brose and White (eds.). The Northwest Florida Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore, reviewed by Jason A. Gardner

Sheldon (ed.) The Southern and Central Alabama Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore, reviewed by Amanda Regnier

Laudonniere, Three Voyages, and Bennett, Laudonniere &. Fort Caroline: History and Documents, reviewed by Joseph M. Herbert

Jameson (ed.). The Reconstructed Past: Reconstructions in the Public Interpretation of Archaeology and History, reviewed by William B. Lees

Ethridge, Creek Country: The Creek Indians and Their World, reviewed by Christopher T. Espenshade

Harm, Indians of Central and South Florida, 1513-1763, reviewed by Thomas E. Penders

Roberts and Buikstra, The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on a Reemerging Disease, reviewed by Ben M. Shields

Boyd, Rock Art of the Lower Pecos, reviewed by Carol Diaz-Granados

Garber (ed.). The Ancient Maya of the Belize Valley: Haifa Century of Archaeological Research, reviewed by Scott E. Simmons


A K-Means Analysis of Late Period Ceramic Variation in the Central Mississippi Valley
Robert C. Mainfort/Jr.

Volume 25 Number 1 Summer 2006



Farewell to the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex
Vernon James Knight Jr.

Historical Metrology and a Reconsideration of the Toltec Module
Gregory Vogel

Chronology and the Demise of Chiefdoms: Eastern Oklahoma in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
J. Daniel Rogers

Mortuary Ritual and Winter Solstice Imagery of the Harlan-Style Charnel House
Marvin Kay and George Sabo III

Interpreting the Mississippian Hinterlands
R. Berle Clay

Identifying Fort San Juan: a Sixteenth-Century Spanish Occupation at the Berry Site, North Carolina
Robin A. Beck Jr., David G. Moore, and Christopher B. Rodning

An Experiment in Ceramic Description: Upper Nodena
Eric M. Cruciotti, Rita Fisher-Carroll, Charles H. McNutt, Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., and David H. Dye

One Hundred Years of Archaeology at Gordontown: A Fortified Mississippian Town in Middle Tennessee
Michael C. Moore, Emanuel Breitburg, Kevin E. Smith, and Mary Beth Trubitt

Ancient Vegetarians? Absorbed Pottery Residue Analysis of Diet in the Late Woodland and Emergent Mississippian Periods of the Mississippi Valley
Eleanora A. Reber and Richard P. Evershed

A Stylistic Analysis of Burial Urns from the Protohistoric Period in Central Alabama
Amanda L. Regnier


Tushingham, Hill, and McNutt (eds.). Histories of Southeastern Archaeology, reviewed by Thomas E. Beaman Jr.

Fisher-Carroll, Mortuary Behavior at Upper Nodena, reviewed by Bobby R. Braly

Delle, Mrozowski, and Paynter (eds.). Lines that Divide: Historical Archaeologies of Race, Class, and Gender, reviewed by Jakob D.Crockett

Neuman and Sanford, Practicing Archaeology: A Training Manual for Cultural Resources Archaeology, reviewed by Boyce N. Driskell

Dias-Granados and Duncan (eds.). The Rock-Art of Eastern North America: Capturing Images and Insight, reviewed by David H. Dye

Saunders and Hays (eds.). Early Pottery: Technology, Function, Style, and Interaction in the Lower Southeast, reviewed by Jon C. Endonino

Grantham, Creation Myths and Legends of the Creek Indians, reviewed by Lance K. Greene

Bush, Boundary Conditions: Macrobotanical Remains and the Oliver Phase of Central Indiana, A.D. 1200-1450, reviewed by Robert Lusteck

Rakita, Buikstra, Beck, and Williams (eds.). Interacting with the Dead: Perspectives on Mortuary Archaeology for the New Millennium, reviewed by Robert C. Mainfort Jr

Carr and Case (eds.). Gathering Hopewell: Society, Ritual, and Ritual Interaction, reviewed by Michael Nassaney

Rowan and Baram (eds.), Globalization and the Commodification of Heritage: A Review of Marketing Heritage, reviewed by Matthew C. Sanger

Stewart-Abernathy (ed.). Ghost Boats on the Mississippi: Discovering Our Working Past, reviewed by Joseph M. Thompson

ISSN 0734-578X

Volume 25 Number 2 Winter 2006


Message from the Editors

Special Issue
Contributions of Transportation Archaeology to American Bottom Prehistory
guest edited by Thomas E. Emerson

Advances in American Bottom Prehistory: Illinois Transportation Archaeology Two Decades after 1-270
Thomas E. Emerson, John A. Walthall, Andrew C. Fortier, and Dale L. McElrath

Calibrating and Reassessing American Bottom Culture History
Andrew C. Fortier, Thomas E. Emerson, and Dale L. McElrath

Prehistoric Plant Use in the American Bottom: New Thoughts and Interpretations
Mary L. Simon and Kathryn E. Parker

Late Cahokian Subsistence and Health: Stable Isotope and Dental Evidence
Kristin M. Hedman

Late Woodland Frontiers in the American Bottom Region
Brad Koldehoff and Joseph M. Galloy

Perspectives from the Edge of Looking Glass Prairie: The Scott Joint-Use Archaeological Project
George R. Holley


Harbury, Colonial Virginia's Cooking Dynasty, reviewed by Amber M. VanDerwarker

Pluckhahn and Ethridge (eds.), .Light on the Path: The Anthropology and History of the Southeastern Indians, reviewed by Ramie A. Gougeon

Peacock, Mississippi Archaeology Q&A, reviewed by Robert Lusteck

Charles and Buikstra (eds.), Recreating Hopewell, reviewed by Robert C. Mainfort Jr.

Powell and Cook (eds.), The Myth of Syphilis: The Natural History of Treponematosis in North America, reviewed by Shannon Chappell Hodge

Skowronek and Ewen (eds.), X Marks the Spot: The Archaeology of Piracy, reviewed by Tanya M. Peres