Volume 24 Number 2 Winter 2005



Changes in Foodways at the Parkin Site, Arkansas
C. Margaret Scarry and Elizabeth J. Reitz

Isotopic Evidence of Immigration Linked to Status during the Weeden Island and Suwannee Valley Periods in North Florida
Bethany L. Turner, John D. Kingston, and Jerald T. Milanich

Textile Evidence for Ohio Hopewell Burial Practices
Amanda Jo Thompson and Kathryn A. Jakes

The Pinson Observatory
Charles H. McNutt

Biological Structure of the San Pedro y San Pablo de Patale Mission Cemetery
Christopher Michael Stojanowski

1938-1939 WPA Excavations at the Hatchel Site (41BW3) on the Red River in Bowie County, Texas
Timothy K.Perttula

Middle Archaic Settlement Organization in the Upper Tombigbee Drainage: A View from the Uplands
Jeffrey S. Alvey

Seriation: Classic Problems and Multivariate Applications
Charles H. McNutt


Truncer (ed.). Picking the Lock of Time: Developing Chronology in American Archaeology, reviewed by Phillip R. Hodge

South, An Archaeological Evolution, reviewed by Thomas E. Beaman, Jr

Weisman, Pioneer in Space and Time: John Mann Goggin and the Development of Florida Archaeology, reviewed by Robert S. Carr

Brose and White (eds.). The Northwest Florida Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore, reviewed by Jason A. Gardner

Sheldon (ed.) The Southern and Central Alabama Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore, reviewed by Amanda Regnier

Laudonniere, Three Voyages, and Bennett, Laudonniere &. Fort Caroline: History and Documents, reviewed by Joseph M. Herbert

Jameson (ed.). The Reconstructed Past: Reconstructions in the Public Interpretation of Archaeology and History, reviewed by William B. Lees

Ethridge, Creek Country: The Creek Indians and Their World, reviewed by Christopher T. Espenshade

Harm, Indians of Central and South Florida, 1513-1763, reviewed by Thomas E. Penders

Roberts and Buikstra, The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on a Reemerging Disease, reviewed by Ben M. Shields

Boyd, Rock Art of the Lower Pecos, reviewed by Carol Diaz-Granados

Garber (ed.). The Ancient Maya of the Belize Valley: Haifa Century of Archaeological Research, reviewed by Scott E. Simmons


A K-Means Analysis of Late Period Ceramic Variation in the Central Mississippi Valley
Robert C. Mainfort/Jr.