Volume 16 Number 2 Winter 1997



A Re-examination of Natchez Sociopolitical Complexity: A View from the Grand Village and Beyond
Karl G. Lorenz

Coercion, Tribute and Chiefly Authority: The Regional Development of Mississippian Political Culture
Mark A. Rees

A Framework for the Middle-Late Holocene Transition: Astronomical and Geophysical Conditions
Joel D. Gunn


Mobility and Hunter-Gatherer Toolkit Design: Analysis of a Dalton Lithic Cache
John A. Walthall and George R. Holley

From Joara to Chiaha: Spanish Exploration of the Appalachian Summit Area, 1540-1568
Robin A. Beck, Jr.

Research Notes

A Comparison of Laboratory Results to Archaeological Data: Pottery Surface Treatments in Eastern Missouri
James W. Cogswell and Michael J. O’Brien

Reviews and Book Notes


Pauketat and Emerson (eds.): Cahokia: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World
Robert D. Drennan

Brain and Phillips: Shell Gorgets: Styles of the Late Prehistoric and Protohistoric Southeast
Jon Muller

Anderson and Sassaman (eds.): The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast
Lucinda J. McWeeney

Arnold: Emergent Complexity: The Evolution of Intermediate Societies
John F. Scarry

Purdy: How to Do Archaeology The Right Way
Ann M. Early

Jameson (ed.): Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths
Mary Inkrot

Shackel: Culture Change and the New Technology: An Archaeology of the Early American Industrial Era
Brent R. Weisman

Gibb: The Archaeology of Wealth: Consumer Behavior in English America
Lynne G. Lewis

Book Notes

Rock Art in Kentucky; Archaeological Investigation of the Dry Creek Site

ISSN 0734-578