Volume 15 Number 1 Summer 1996



Mississippian Adaptation on the Northern Periphery: Settlement, Subsistence and Interaction in the Cumberland Valley of Southeastern Kentucky
Richard W. Jefferies, Emanuel Breitburg, Jennifer Flood and C. Margaret Scarry

A Study of Shell Beads and Their Social Context in the Mississippian Period: A Case from the Carolina Piedmont and Mountains
Larissa A. Thomas

The Weeki Wachee Mound, an Early Contact Period Mortuary Locality in Hernando County, West-Central Florida
Dale L. Hutchinson and Jeffrey M. Mitchem

Late Seventeenth-Century Forebears of the Lower Creeks and Seminoles
John H. Hann


The McLelland and Joe Clark Sites: Protohistoric-Historic Caddo Farmsteads in the Red River Valley of Northwest Louisiana
David B. Kelley, Donald G. Hunter, Paul S. Gardner, Daniel C. Weinand, Angela Tine and Larry L. Tieszen


Rogers and Smith (eds.): Mississippian Communities and Households
Charles R. Cobb

O’Brien: Cat Monsters and Head Pots: The Archaeology of Missouri’s Pemiscot Bayou
Charles H. McNutt

Milanich: Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe
H. Trawick Ward

Carr (ed.): The Organization of North American Prehistoric Chipped Stone Tool Technologies
Larry R. Kimball

Beck (ed.): Regional Approaches to Mortuary Analysis
Leslie E. Eisenberg

Deagan (ed.): Puerto Real: The Archaeology of a Sixteenth-Century Spanish Town in Hispaniola
Charles R. Ewen

Bettis (ed.): Archaeological Geology of the Archaic Period in North America
Michael E Kolb

Book Notes

William Bartram on the Southeastern Indians; The Struggle for the Georgia Coast: An Eighteenth-Century Spanish Retrospective on Guale and Mocama; Owl Creek Mounds: Test Excavations at a Vacant Mississippian Mound Center; Fort Mose: Colonial America’s Black Fortress of Freedom; South Carolina Antiquities: 25 Years of the ASSC and South Carolina Archaeology; Lost Cities of the Ancient Southeast; New Words, Old Songs: Understanding the Lives of Ancient Peoples in Southwest Florida Through Archaeology; The Domain of the Calusa: Archaeology and Adventure in the Discovery of South Florida’s Past (video); Diversity and Complexity in Prehistoric Maritime Societies: A Gulf of Maine Perspective; Beyond Subsistence: Plains Archaeology and the Postprocessual Critique


In the review of Highways to the Past: Essays on Illinois Archaeology in Honor of Charles J. Bareis (Southeastern Archaeology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 202-203), the name of one of the authors is Witty (Charles O.), not Wittry.

ISSN 0734-578X