Volume 10 Number 1 Summer 1991



The Sixteenth-Century Expansion of Settlement in the Upper Oconee Watershed, Georgia
Stephen A. Kowalewski and James W. Hatch

The Lubbub Creek Microlith Industry
H. Blaine Ensor

The Evolution of Siouan Communities in Piedmont North Carolina
R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr. and H. Trawick Ward


Radiocarbon Dates for the Bynum, Pharr, and Miller Sites, Northeast Mississippi
Richard Walling Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. and James R. Atkinson


Regional Prehistory and the Spiro Site
J. Daniel Rogers


Daniel and Wisenbaker: Harney Flats: A Florida Paleo-lndian Site
Dan F. Morse

Mainfort (ed.): Middle Woodland Settlement and Ceremonialism in the Mid-South and Lower Mississippi Valley: Proceedings of the 1984 Mid-South Archaeological Conference
Patricia S. Essenpreis

Wood, Waselkov, and Hatley (eds.): Powhatan’s Mantle: Indians in the Colonial Southeast
Ian W. Brown

Brain: Winterville: Late Prehistoric Culture Contact in the Lower Mississippi Valley
John E. Kelly

ISSN 0734-578X