Volume 8 Number 1 Summer 1989



Linking Spiro’s Artistic Styles: The Copper Connection
James A. Brown and J. Daniel Rogers

Engraved Shell Masks in North America
Marvin T. Smith and Julie Barnes Smith

Faunal Remains from Mixon’s Hammock, Okefenokee Swamp
Nanny Carder

The Trist n de Luna Expedition, 1559-1561
Charles Hudson, Marvin T. Smith, Chester B. DePratter and Emilia Kelley

The Carroll Site: Analysis of 1936 Excavations at a Mississippian Farmstead in Georgia
Stephen A. Kowalewski and Mark Williams


Bits of a Southeastern Mosaic: Some Not-So-Random Thoughts on SEAC History
Stephen Williams

Perceptions of the Past: Public Archaeology and Moss-Bennett Then and Now
Charles R. McGimsey, III


Hann: Apalachee: The Land Between the Rivers
Marvin T. Smith

Crook: Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Coastal Zone
Hally and Rudolph: Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Piedmont
John F. Scarry

Albert: An Archaeological Survey of the James Fork Watershed, Le Flore County, Oklahoma
Robert H. Lafferty III

ISSN 0734-578X