
Position: TVA Archaeologists

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has two job openings:

Archaeologist A-

This is the entry-level archaeologist position at TVA.  Developmental assignments are made to familiarize the incumbent with Section 106 reviews and associated TVA policies and procedures.


Archaeologist B-

Reviews all Section 26a’s and land use actions that involve ground disturbance.   Determines whether office review is adequate, or if field reconnaissance/survey is necessary.  Determines cultural resource clearance.

Conducts archaeological reconnaissance’s for the purpose of identifying archaeological resources that could be potentially impacted by proposed TVA actions.  Involves ability to stratify project or activity areas into sampling units, both horizontally on ground surface and vertically in subterranean testing.

Conducts laboratory analysis and evaluation or archaeological specimens recovered from reconnaissance’s and using resultant data, writes reports.  Laboratory analysis and evaluation involves identification, classification, and induction concerning the way in which archaeological specimens were used.  Deduction is required in producing anthropological data.  Resultant data is used in the writing of an archaeological report.

Review and ranking of proposals, monitoring of contract work, and review of final reports.
