
Position-State Archaeologist of North Carolina

The State Archaeologist directs the statewide archaeology program within the Division of Historical Resources, Office of Archives and History, Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. The position supervises and manages professional archaeologists and technical and clerical support staff, who are engaged with designing, implementing, and coordinating projects relating to the identification, inventory, evaluation, and management of prehistoric and historic archaeological sites located on both land and in underwater settings throughout the state, as well as the curation of data and artifacts associated with these sites. The State Archaeologist and his/her staff perform environmental assessments and cultural resource planning and initiate extensive public educational and technical assistance contacts with the public and other government agencies, both state and federal. The State Archaeologist is responsible for drafting legislation and administrative procedures to protect the state’s archaeological resources and represents the OSA and historic preservation office as the subject matter expert for the North Carolina Historical Commission. Duties are performed under the supervision of the Division Director and Deputy Secretary (SHPO).

Salary       $56,906.00 - $99,586.00 Annually
Location   Wake County, NC
Closing Date      3/4/2024 5:00 PM Eastern