
Position- Research Scholar in Historical GIS

The Center for Spatial Research (CSR) at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and
Preservation (GSAPP) seeks applications for a full-time Associate Research Scholar. The Associate
Research Scholar will focus on generating, analyzing, and visualizing spatial data for the Mapping
Historical New York project. A Master’s degree in Architecture, Data Science, Urban Planning,
Computational Design, Geography, Historical GIS, Landscape Architecture or a closely related field
is required. We invite applications from candidates with a strong interest in interdisciplinary work
whose research practices combine techniques of data science, historical research, and GIS-based
methods. This appointment may start as early as July 1, 2023, will be up to one year, and is
renewable contingent on satisfactory performance and available funding.

Additional information: https://mcusercontent.com/ed8fc388343b966393398c3c8/files/1b0f2e78-9b6a-d493-7bcf-2ed960346931/Researcher_in_Historical_GIS_Job_Announcement.pdf
