
2023 Sponsorship Opportunities

Message from the 2023 SEAC organizers

We are very excited to be hosting the 2023 Southeastern Archaeological Conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee! Like most things in recent history, costs have risen and SEAC is no exception. Please consider a sponsorship or donation to help support SEAC!


SEAC Patron Levels of Sponsorship:

All Patron Levels of Sponsorship will receive recognition on our sponsor webpage, and their logo on signage at the appropriate event. All logo's should be submitted by August 15.

Platinum ($1000): Platinum Patrons receive a full-page ad in the SEAC bulletin

Gold ($750): Gold Patrons receive a half-page ad in the SEAC bulletin

Silver ($500): Silver Patrons receive a quarter-page ad in the SEAC bulletin

Bronze ($250): Bronze Patrons receive a sixth-page ad in the SEAC Pocket bulletin

SEAC Donors:

Supporters ($100 or more): name listed in SEAC Bulletin

Contributors ($100 or less): name listed in SEAC Bulletin

All donors will have their names listed in the SEAC bulletin. 


Sponsorship Details

You may choose to have your sponsorship or donation directed to one of any of the following categories or to the general SEAC fund:

  • Welcome Reception at the Hunter Museum
  • Student Reception
  • Student Luncheon
  • Coffee and refreshments
  • SEAC Dance
  • SWAG

Signage with specific sponsor logo will be placed at the appropriate event. Payment can be made with a check or via PayPal. If paying by check, please send to Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 1215 Stonewall Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37130.

Please direct any questions or inquiries to J. Scott Jones at jsjones@midsouthcrc.com.
