
Positions: Senior Archaeologist & Compliance Review Archaeologist (Georgia)

Georgia Historic Preservation Division (HPD) has announced two job positions for archaeologists. Both positions are in HPD’s Environmental Review Archaeology group. Please see the links and information below – a cover letter and resume are requested, along with the state application. The deadline to apply is February 26, 2023.

Senior Archaeologist

Advertised Salary: $50,000-$58,000
Primary responsibilities are to coordinate the Archaeology side of the Environmental Review Program and serve as a liaison with other partners throughout the state and other federal, state, and Tribal agency officials on project and statewide archaeology-related issues. This position must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s professional qualification standards for archaeology.

Compliance Review Archaeologist

Advertised Salary: $40,000-$45,000
Primary responsibility is to review projects for National Register of Historic Places eligibility of and effects to archaeological resources for Section 106 compliance and similar/related state and federal laws.
