
Positions – Field Technicians & Crew Chiefs

Marstel-Day, LLC, a premier environmental and sustainability consulting firm, seeks several qualified, on-call Cultural Resource Field Technicians and Crew Chiefs, to support Phase I/II/III archaeology field studies and other cultural resources studies including laboratory work, record-keeping, researching, and reporting for immediate work in DC, MD, VA, and WV.

The successful candidate(s) will become members of a pool of prospective Field Technicians or Crew Chiefs, who will be called upon to perform work on an hourly basis as the Company receives task orders or assignments for these types of studies and analyses. Prehistoric and historic Phase I and Phase II projects are being scheduled in Maryland, eastern West Virginia, and northern Virginia area to occur from December 2022 and the first half of 2023.

Job Duties

The primary duties of the cultural resource field position will be to provide direct support for the implementation and execution of archaeology studies for federal agencies, including the Department of Defense (DoD), military services, the Veterans Administration, the US Forest Service among others, and state/local governments or private entities seeking to comply with federal requirements, and to provide artifact analysis and technical writing support for documenting field results, and technical research to support other cultural resource studies.

Duties also include data recording, mapping, note taking, artifact processing, and some photography. For projects within the DC Metro area, daily travel may be required to the job site from the incumbent’s home location. For projects outside the DC Metro area, the incumbent may be required to be on travel for an extended period (1 to 3 weeks) and stay at accommodations near a job site. Marstel-Day will compensate the incumbent for mileage and per-diem costs based on standard US GSA rates.

Salary and Benefits:

The Company will pay an hourly rate of $23 to $30 per hour for the Cultural Resource Field Technician position commensurate with the incumbent’s level of education and experience and responsibilities, unless wage and hours regulations governing the project require payment of a higher rate, in which case that higher rate will be paid for that project.

For these part-time, temporary positions, the company offers sick leave (one hour for every thirty hours worked), but no other fringe benefits.

For more information visit:


Please direct any questions to Patrick Johnson pjohnson@marstel-day.com
