The purpose of this study (UF IRB 202201685) is to survey the diversity of practices related to recovery and curation of archaeological eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) specimens. We aim to understand the ways in which practitioners carry out various aspects of field design, laboratory analysis, and/or curation. Results from this survey will identify practices across institutions housing archaeological oysters including museums, universities, government and Tribal repositories, and private cultural resource firms. The broader impacts of this survey will highlight the commonalities and differences in curation practice as a foundation for discussing best practices in eastern oyster curation and collections management, as well as how to improve inter-institution research across archaeological oyster collections. The results of this study will have implications for other archaeological shell taxa and their long term curation care. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. No identifying information will be shared as part of this study besides self-identified profession or professional status and type of institutional affiliation. No identifying information will be collected or connected with your responses, which will be anonymous.
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