
Position – Teaching Associate in Biological Anth or Archaeology, Coastal Carolina University

Coastal Carolina University is searching for a Teaching Associate in Biological Anth or Archaeology: PhD, or ABD, or MA/MS with at least 18 graduate credit hours in Biological Anthropology and/or Archaeology. Would teach 5 sections each semester of our “Anth 101L: Primates, People, and Prehistory Lab”, which is our intro to biological anth and archaeology lab section (co-required with a lecture section). The instructor of these labs would be expected to coordinate and collaborate with the instructor of the lecture section to make sure topics and schedules go well together. Though we are hiring for the 2022-2023 academic year immediately, this position can renew, since we offer these courses every semester. There’s also a possibility for summer teaching, if desired. To apply, candidates should email a cover letter, CV, and list of references directly to the department Chair, Dr. Sue Bergeron at sbergero@coastal.edu.
