Position – Archaeologist, Gulf Islands National Seashore

The National Park Service is searching for an Archaeologist at the Gulf Islands National Seashore. Job Duties: Prepares and coordinates the writing of the cultural resources section of the resources management plan and specific actions plans pertaining to the management and protection of cultural resources. Develops and maintains effective working relations with groups, agencies and the public. Coordinates park cultural resources strategies and programs, develops and maintains relationships with researchers, subject matter experts, and resources managers of other agencies, cooperating universities, and associated groups. Performs or directs substantive, project-oriented work and negotiates cooperative instruments needed to effectively carry out resource stewardship goals. Services as the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative for projects conducted through contracts, interagency agreements, and cooperative agreements. Maintains liaison with the State Historic Preservation Office. Manages the museum collections documenting, preservation, protection, exhibition, and use of park collections whether housed in the park or offsite repository according to NPS guidelines. For more information, see: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/595377600?fbclid=IwAR2h2gnuCA6wcFDvuiz1f1O5MtOxWsEx68ZTD22PgRB5QUd1Fzf3keO-cbk
