A team of graduate students from the University of North Texas, in cooperation with the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA), are replicating the 2009 AAA/CoPAPIA Anthropology MA Career Survey: a major online survey designed to better understand the training and career trajectories of anthropologists with Master’s degrees.
We invite you to participate in the 2019 American Anthropology Master's Career Survey, which can be found HERE.
The survey is being conducted by the University of North Texas 2019 American Anthropology Master's Career Survey team and is open from April 29th, 2019 through August 31st, 2019. It is open to anyone who received a master’s degree from a North American institution prior to 2019, regardless of previous and subsequent degrees. Anthropology PhD holders are welcome to take the survey as well, especially those who have had a gap between the master’s degree and PhD, but the survey is primarily geared towards the master’s experience.
In replicating the survey, we engaged the advice of the following advisory board to provide feedback from all specialties across anthropology:
Dr. Doug Henry (UNT, AAA Board Treasurer), Dr. Christina Wasson (UNT), Dr. Susan Squires (UNT), Terry Redding (AAA, 2009 CoPAPIA), Dr. Shirley Fiske (UMD, 2009 CoPAPIA), Daniel Ginsberg (AAA representative), Dr. Sherylyn Briller (Purdue, SfAA President-Elect), Dr. Ellen Puccia (NAPA representative), and Dr. Charles Klein (Portland State, COPAA).
If you have any questions, please contact the survey team at anthrosurvey@unt.edu.