
Position – Assistant Curator

The Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, invites applications for an Assistant Curator in Archaeology. The position is at the rank of tenure-track assistant curator, with an anticipated starting date of August 2019. We seek a candidate with a specialization in historical ecology whose work intersects with coastal archaeology. We are particularly interested in scholars who can work in a transdisciplinary setting and contribute to collaborative research across the Museum and University.

The regional background is open, but we favor individuals who would be able to maintain the Museum’s strengths in the archaeology and history of South Florida. Priority will be given to candidates whose expertise in historical ecology includes innovative approaches to heritage management and addressing anthropogenic and climatic impacts to cultural resources on prehistoric and modern coastlines. This person should also have a demonstrated commitment to public outreach and education.

The successful applicant will oversee the substantial South Florida archaeological and ethnographic holdings, and will be expected to actively participate in the Museum’s ambitious digital collection efforts. The incumbent will also oversee the Knight Endowment for Archaeology, which is dedicated to supporting the curator’s research program. In addition, the appointee would have the potential to grow into a leadership role at the Randell Research Center, an off-campus institute dedicated to research and education related to the archaeology, history and ecology of southwest Florida. It is also expected that the appointee will sustain his/her research and curation efforts with external funding.

Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. in anthropology or related field by the time of appointment, with a proven record in historical ecological and coastal archaeological research. The Museum maintains close ties with the Department of Anthropology, and the appointee will teach courses in its program and mentor undergraduate and graduate students.

The search committee will begin reviewing applications on November 5, 2018 (Job No. 55316). Applicants must apply on-line by November 2, 2018 at http://jobs.ufl.edu or https://apply.interfolio.com/55316. The application should include: (1) cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) statement of no more than 3 pages describing research, teaching, and outreach experience; (4) digital copies of no more than three publications; (5) the names of three individuals for letters of recommendation. For additional information, please contact Charles Cobb (ccobb@flmnh.ufl.edu), Chair of the Search Committee, Department of Natural History.

The University of Florida is one of the most comprehensive high-quality public universities in the country. UF is a land grant, sea grant, and space grant university and on-campus home to the most comprehensive academic health center in the southeast. The appointee will be a curator in one of the nation’s largest natural history museums, and will benefit from a strong collaborative culture across all disciplines at UF. UF counts among its greatest strengths -- and a major component of its excellence – that it values broad diversity in its faculty, students, and staff and creates a robust, inclusive and welcoming climate for learning, research and other work. UF is committed to equal educational and employment opportunity and access and seeks individuals of all races, ethnicities, genders and other attributes who, among their many exceptional qualifications, have a record of including a broad diversity of individuals in work and learning activities. The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
