Volume 7 Number 2 Winter 1988



Raw Material Procurement and the Reduction of Hunter-Gatherer Range in the Savannah River Valley
Kenneth E. Sassaman, Glen T. Hanson and Tommy Charles

Faunal Remains from Two Coastal Georgia Swift Creek Sites
Elizabeth J. Reitz and Irvy R. Quitmyer

Fires on the Bayou: Cultural Adaptations in the Mississippi Sound Region
R. Barry Lewis

Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis in Large Scale Survey Design in North Mississippi
Jay K. Johnson, Thomas L. Sever, Scott L. H. Madry and Harry T. Hoff


Experimental Replication of Early Woodland Vegetal Fiber Slippers
Joan Miller


Connaway: The Wilsford Site (22-Co-516), Coahoma County, Mississippi: A Late Mississippi Period Settlement in the Northern Yazoo Basin of Mississippi
John H. House

Keegan (ed.): Emergent Horticultural Economies of the Eastern Woodlands
Richard A. Yarnell

Thomas: The Discovery of Mission Santa Catalina de Gaule: 1. Search and Discovery
Rochelle A. Marrinan

Sturtevant (ed.): A Seminole Sourcebook and A Creek Sourcebook
Brent R. Weisman

Deagan: Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies of Florida and the Caribbean, 1500- 1800 (Vol. 1)
Russell K. Skowronek

Widmer: The Evolution of the Calusa: A Nonagricultural Chiefdom on the Southwest Florida Coast
John W. Griffin

Yerkes (ed.): Interpretations of Cultural Change in the Eastern Woodlands During the Late Woodland Period
C. Clifford Boyd, Jr.

Powell: Status and Health in Prehistory: A Case Study of the Moundville Chiefdom
William M. Bass

Lauro and Lehmann: The Slate Site: A Poverty Point Lapidary Industry in the Southern Yazoo Basin, Mississippi
Lehmann: The Jaketown Site: Surface Collections from a Poverty Point Regional Center in the Yazoo Basin, Mississippi
Jay K. Johnson

Yerkes: Prehistoric Life on the Mississippian Floodplain: Stone Tool Use, Settlement Organization, and Subsistence Practices at the Labras Lake Site, Illinois
Brian M. Butler

ISSN 0734-578X