Volume 6 Number 2 Winter 1987



A Village Blacksmith in the Antebellum South: Archaeological Investigations at the Griswold Shop, Barton, Mississippi (1851-1869)
W. Stephen McBride

Research in the Lower Tennessee-Cumberland-Ohio Region

Research into the Prehistory of the Lower Tennessee-Cumberland-Ohio Region
Jack D. Nance

Geomorphic History of the Lower Cumberland and Tennessee Valleys and Implications for Regional Archaeology
Elizabeth K. Leach and Michael J. Jackson

Reconstruction of Precolonial Vegetation in Livingston County, Kentucky and Prehistoric Cultural Implications
Karla D. Kusmer, Elizabeth K. Leach and Michael J. Jackson

Aboriginal and Modern Mussel Assemblages of the Lower Cumberland River
Joanna L. Casey

The Paleoethnobotanical Record of the Lower Tennessee-Cumberland Region
Dee Anne Wymer

The Archaic Sequence in the Lower Tennessee-Cumberland-Ohio Region
Jack D. Nance

Patterns of Chert Use During the Middle and Late Archaic in Western Kentucky
Gerald T. Conaty


Kwas (ed.): Archaeological Parks: Integrating Preservation, Interpretation, and Recreation
Gary Shapiro

Schroedl (ed.): Overhill Cherokee Archaeology at Chota-Tanasee
Gregory A. Waselkov

Custer (ed.): Late Woodland Cultures of the Middle Atlantic Region
Jeffrey Hantman

Brown: Natchez Indian Archaeology: Culture Change and Stability in the Lower Mississippi Valley
Jay K. Johnson

ISSN 0734-578X