Volume 27 Number 2 Winter 2008
Farewell Message from the Editors Gayle J. Fritz and T. R. Kidder
Thematic Issue: Shell-Tempered Ceramics in the Eastern Woodlands
Woodland Period Shell-Tempered Pottery in the Central Arkansas Ozarks
George Sabo III and Jerry E. Hilliard
The Diffusion of Shell-Tempered Pottery into the Baytown Area of the Northern Lower Mississippi Valley
Robert H. Lafferty III
Shell-Tempered Pottery from the Upper Mississippi River Valley
Robert F. Boszhardt
The Spread of Shell-Tempered Ceramics along the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico
Richard A. Weinstein and Ashley A. Dumas
The Incorporation of Mississippian Traditions into Fort Ancient Societies: A Preliminary View of the Shift to Shell-Tempered Pottery Use in the Middle Ohio Valley
Robert A. Cook and Lane F. Fargher
Regional Variation in Kentucky Fort Ancient Shell Temper Adoption
David Pollack, A. Gwynn Henderson, and C. Martin Raymer
The Spread of Shell Tempering in the Mississippi Black Prairie
Janet Rafferty and Evan Peacock
The History and Practice of Shell Tempering in the Middle Atlantic: A Useful Balance
Joseph M. Herbert
Origins and Spread of Shell-Tempered Ceramics in the Eastern Woodlands: Conceptual and Methodological Frameworks for Analysis
James K. Feathers and Evan Peacock
Fennel, Crossroads and Cosmologies: Diasporas and Ethnogenesis in the New World, reviewed by Jayur Mehta
Sturdevant and Fogelson (eds.), Handbook of North American Indians. Vol 14, Southeast, reviewed by Phillip R. Hodge
Neusius and Gross, Seeking our Past: An Introduction to North American Archaeology, reviewed by Lara K. Homsey
Gold, The Bioarchaeology of Virginia Burial Mounds, reviewed by Heather A. Lapham
Wesson, Households & Hegemony: Early Creek Prestige Goods, Symbolic Capital, and Social Power, reviewed by Jon Bernard Marcoux
Hanenberger, The Range Site 3: Mississippian and Oneota Occupations, reviewed by John 1. Penman
Wright, Historic Indian Towns in Alabama, 1548-1838, reviewed by John T. Penman
Moore, Catawba Valley Mississippian: Ceramics, Chronology, and Catawba Indians, reviewed by Dawn Reid
Hutchinson, Tatham Mound and the Bioarchaeology of European Contact, reviewed by Marvin T. Smith
WIlkie and Farnsworth, Sampling Many Pots: An Archaeology of Memory and Tradition at a Bahamian Plantation, reviewed by Kit W. Wesler